Drilling a tank?


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Anyone drilled a tank themselves? What are the issues with it? Type of glass? Special drill bits? Is it worth it? I am thinking about a 46G bowfront setup, but it's still in the planning stage, so to drill or not to drill, that is the question......
I'll be drilling my 37GAL here next month. There are several good articles/questions & answers on WetWebMedia.com. I'll let you know how it goes!
I have done it a bunch of times. There is a thread on
a> in the DIY section that I started.  I cannot remember the title exactly but it is something like 'Step-by-Step drilling hole in tank for bulkheads' Or something like that.  Very long thread lots of good information.  Well worth the read if you are going to do it yourself.  You can get the diamond coated hole saws from Ebay.  They ship from Lau (or something like that is the name of the seller) out of Hong Kong.  Sorry I cannot cut and paste on this work computer or else I could give you a couple of these links.  Let me know if you have any more questions, I dont mind to help.  :)
Ok I found the thread on RC. It is titled "Step-by-Step: Drilling Holes in Your Glass Tank for Bulkheads" created 06-01-2005 and my screen name is the same there as it is on this site. Hope that helps. :)
Cool thread, thanks JOMT.... I'll keep researching!

Mark, let me know how it goes for you.
Hopefully I won't crack up while I do it!!! I am ordering the diamond hole cutters on ebay this week. I'll do a photolog of the proceedure!
I was drilling my 37g Oceanic today at the chatt reef club and we got the hole done, sat back and watched it crack!

We have drilled before without a problem, but today just wasn't a good day.

Off to the glass shop Monday...
Note.... Out in the yard might seem like a good idea because you can just let the water run off the tank onto the ground but not the most level of surfaces. I sat and witnessed the crack. The hole seemed to drill fine and then crack without warning. It seemed like it was a good minute after the hole was drilled and then CRACK.
Yikes! I drilled three holes in two different tanks outside on the tailgate of a pickup truck last month for two friends of mine. Someone even took a video of it. I have not yet seen the video. Both tanks survived and are doing well.
Did you do yours under a full moon? ;)
I really dont think it was the yard, I think it had to do with hole placement. Soon after we drilled the same glass for practice closer to the side and the hole is still fine. The first hole was almost in the center and it was a large hole for a 1 1/2 bulk head.
I drilled several holes in my 210 before setting it up. Also drilled holes in 10 and 15 gallon tanks. I used a diamond hole saw and a drill press. Set the tank on 2X4s out side. Put masking tape on the inside of the tank where the hole was to be drilled to catch the hole. Set the hose to a slow trickle of water and ran the water through the spot where drilling the hole and slowly drilled through the glass. Do not rush it and do not apply any pressure, let the drill bit work it's way through. IMO, drilling thicker glass is easier than thin...
I think for this tank(46G bowfront), I am going to skip the drilling attempt. Perhaps when I move up to the next level with thicker glass.... wow, I haven't even set up this tank and am already thinking about the next one.... that's a sickness isn't it?
hey i know you aren't drillin it or whatever, but whenever you do, just put 2x4s on the bottom (make it level, but make sure they are under the holes) then pop a hole big enough for the bit in some Styrofoam (like the side of a cooler) put it where you want it, pour water in the hole turn the drill on the fastest speed and when you start let the weight of the drill push it through.....

that's how i always do it and it works great..... i mean i put 3 1.25" holes and 3 1" holes in the back of a 15 gallon aga. matter ir fact i drilled a 46 bow just the other day 4 times for that way and it only took abt. 25 min........