Dual 120g with sump "Closet" build


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This will take a while and my updates will be spotty - but I've been meaning to get started on a build thread for a while so may as well get going.

Little bit of back story....

We currently have a 30g rimless cube in our bedroom with a lightning maroon, BTA, hammer, frogspawn and few other things. Throwing that out there but will not be covering that tank in this thread.

Downstairs we currently have a 60g cube and a 40b setup. They were plumbed together to a common DIY 40b sump up until about a month ago when I separated them.

The 60 has our other lightning maroon clown (they HATE each other, with a passion I have rarely seen), a blue chromis, cucumber, frogspawn, starfish and a host of "pests" that we have picked up from various places. The only pests that really concern me are the flatworms - and a few carnivorous Whelk snails that came in from some TBS rock we purchased about 18 months ago.

The 40b was originally intended to be a display refugium where I intended on growing various decorative macro algae as well as a place for things we didn't want in our main display - gorilla crabs, misbehaving hermits etc.

When we purchased the TBS rock we got a little more than we bargained for. In one of the boxes was what we now know is an Oyster Toadfish. He was roughly 3 or 4 inches when we received him. We also had quite a few random crabs - gorilla crabs, various filter feeding crabs. Whelk snails, the small pistol shrimps (several I believe), at least 1 polyclad flatworm and a TON of various types of pods.

All was going well - until somehow a couple of the whelk snails wound up in the display tank. At the time we had a really nice Deresa clam in the display, he was doing great. Until one morning when I checked on the tank and the clam was dead - perfect healthy the evening before to 100% flat out dead. When I pulled him out there was one of the whelks attached to the outside of the clam shell.  No idea how they managed to migrate, but they did.

So that started our next adventure. I really like the footprint of the 4' 120g tanks - so we purchased one back in November of 2016 and had it delivered to the house. My intention was to build a DIY plywood stand and get the tank moved inside and start the transition to make the 120 a standalone display tank and separate the 40b - which had become home to the Toadfish - which just happens to eat pretty much any crab or snail in the tank.

I started and completed the build of the stand - and was happy with it. I slowly began gathering some of the upgraded "stuff" I knew I would need - a better skimmer, larger return pump, another 40b and built a DIY sump etc. Then some challenges got in the way. March 19, 2017 I had a stroke. Kinda messed up my left arm - no paralysis but completely numb, hand perpetually swollen, no real feeling, coordination troubles, brain kinda freaks out when in stressful situations.

Kinda put playing with tanks on hold for a while. No biggie overall, I've learned to deal with the numbness and lack of sensation in my left hand and forearm. Brings us up to the past couple of months.

Was finally getting back to doing prep work for the new tank - and we had another minor setback. Around December 16 of last year we had a minor flood in the house (NOT tank related!) and had to have portions of our downstairs flood cut, flooring removed etc. Fought with the reno company after way too many delays and told our insurance company to just cut me a check and I'll fix it.

I took it as an opportunity. Since I was going to have to essentially remodel a good portion of our home I decided to do what I had thought about doing for quite a while. Knock out the back wall of one of our coat closets - which just happens to back up to our staircase going to the second floor - and use that space as a sump / equipment room. Doing so meant we would move our tanks from the living room to the dining room. We haven't had a table in the dining room for over 10 years - it's been an unused space for a good while.

OK - now that I've bored the heck out of you - I'll start getting more details together on the fun stuff.

I'll start with some basic photos.....

Toadfish when he arrived

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What was originally going to be our TBS rock supplied display refugium

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The clam mentioned above

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1 of 2 DIY all plywood stands I built - one for the 40b and 1 for the 120g

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Flood cut in living room - this was open all the way out to our garage during the snow storms we had in December

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Photos of the sump room - wiring with GFCI added. Also added GFCI to all outlets in the dining room - now to be the fish room

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Below - the flooring I have installed in the fish room. It's a vinyl laminate material that is as close to water proof as you can get. No wood or paper material used in this product. It's a floating, snap together floor that is fully capable of handling the weight and water spills - to a point of course.

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Tearing out glued down, builder installed hardwood is NOT fun. That has been, by far, the worse part of the entire project.

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And I'm done with updates for tonight.

I'll update again within the next few days to show where we are as of now - both 120g tanks are in place and wet. The Toadfish is in his new home, the sump closet is about 50% complete and the 120 reef display is full and circulation pumps were started up this evening.
Quick update:

Both tanks running smoothly. Luckily I didn't have to deal with any type of cycle in either tank - I figured I wouldn't because I was transferring all the rock, a couple pounds of sand and at least 30 gallons of water from the old systems to the new systems.

The toadfish is happy as he can be - he pretty much hangs out in a piece of 4" PVC - always very alert though and if the top comes off the tank he positions himself properly to be able to watch for anything that might be food. I feed him roughly 2 times per week - usually a sizable chunk of shrimp, scallop, tuna or salmon. All food grade - basically the same stuff we eat. Occasionally I'll grab 2 oysters from the store, break them open and toss them in the tank.

The reef tank is doing well so far also. We've added quite a few small frags - kind of testing the waters and my setup with a fairly broad range of "stuff". Mostly picked up during online auctions and at the Expo. I have very little idea what most pieces are named - I have a list of what we've put in but I couldn't point to a piece and tell you "hey, that's a BLAH De BLAH Jason Fox ToodelyDoo". We have several random SPS "sticks" - a few Montiporas - a blast and a fairly large acan colony. Oh - and a rock flower anemone. I've done my best with placing them where I think (hope really) they'll do best. The acro, blasto and rock flower all at the bottom of the tank in lower flow areas - the SPS and montis a little higher and in higher flow. We'll have to see how things do.

Equipment wise

Since SDC 9.0 DC pump - holy cow does that thing kick out some flow. I'm using it as my main return and to feed the denitritor. Currently it's running at 14%. I'm running four 1" drains in this tank. It's a dual overflow "reef ready" tank but I HATE durson/mega flow setups so I'm essentially running dual herbie overflows.

Sump is a DIY 40b - nothing special. Will be updated with a better design when I have time.

Skimmer (for now) - Reef Octopus Regal 150SSS. I really like the skimmer. At some point I'll probably try out the LifeReef I have but not until I update my sump.

DIY denitritor - I did a write up on this in the forum last fall / winter

Tunze ATO - nothing special but it works perfect for me

2016 Apex (actually runs both 120 gallon tanks).

Lighting - 2 Kessil A360WE mounted in an Aquatic Life Hybrid fixture that also has four 48" T5s. T5 bulbs are currently 2 each of 54W - Geissemans - Actinic Blue and Aquablue Coral.

In Tnak Circulation - currently 1 Maxspect Gyre 230 plus 2 Jabeo PHs. One RW4 and 1 RW8.

Neptune DOS doing automatic water changes. Still messing with this and I need to run new lines. I've been changing out roughly 1.5 gallons of water per day but I turn it off for a day here and there because honestly - I'm just not positive it's doing the exact same amount of water in as out. I've calibrated multiple times but I need to find the time to do an extended test before I just fill up a brute trashcan with SW and walk away.

And now for some very random photos - because I'm tired of typing.

NO idea what it is - but it seems quite happy so far
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The beginnings of the control board

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A view of the sump

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Kole Tanks

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FTS from about 10 days ago

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Toadfish peaking out form his favorite spot

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FTS (at an angle) of the toad fish's tank. Eventually this may end up with some soft corals or something - anything edible will just be a snack for this guy so he probably won't have any tank mates

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Other random corals that I couldn't tell you the names of

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Everything looked awesome! I can’t wait to see everything finished up.

Thanks again for the tank yesterday and let me know when ever you’re ready for some sps