Duncan Exposed Skeleton


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Hi, I have a Duncan coral frag that I believe was stung by a torch coral. I thought I had enough space between the two corals. I have since increased the distance. In the picture you can see some exposed skeleton where the injury occurred. Is this something that can heal? Can the Duncan grow back over the exposed skeleton? Anything special I should be doing like a iodine dip or just leave it alone? Any advice appreciated. Thanks.


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The only suggestion I would have is to separate the to corals and you've already done that. Duncan's are pretty hardy it can certainly come back from the damage I see in the picture. At this point I'd just let it be, feed it and keep an eye on it. If the damaged area continues to spread or deteriorate then I could consider dipping it but not before. Sometimes a dip can cause more stress that it's worth and the current damage isn't too bad.
it will grow back if you keep up with the parameters and lighting. also make sure you don't see any brown jelly looking substance....

when in doubt, give it a good iodine rinse. i have some corals in the past the opened up after a light iodine dip.
Thanks. I appreciate all the advice? So, it is possible for the coral to heal over exposed skeleton? I always worry that if there is exposed skeleton that algae may overtake that head.
Thanks. I appreciate all the advice? So, it is possible for the coral to heal over exposed skeleton? I always worry that if there is exposed skeleton that algae may overtake that head.
that's where good husbandry comes in. in my tank, algae does not grow or i have fish in the display tank that will keep it at bay. if you already have algae issue in the tank then you're fighting an uphill battle.

at the end of the day, duncan is very tolerant of parameters and lighting. if you give it time and some care, the tissue should grow over the exposed skeleton and possibly grow some new baby heads along the way.
Thanks! When I was last in the hobby, many years ago, when you had a coral with exposed skeleton, it was generally accepted that it was not reversible. Also, I didn't have any duncan back then. So far, I have kept everything in the tank in good balance with very small amounts of slow growing diatom on sand and green algae on the glass.