Dying Acan


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This acan was doing really well, looked great, then all of a sudden it started receding... anybody have any ideas why??

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What kind of clean up crew do you have? I had along spine black urchin once that mowed over all of my acans in a single night and mostly killed them, it kinda looks like yours.

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it's been up on my frag rack so nothing other than snails can even get to it.
nope everything has been stable. only change is i have been moving coral and fish to my new system.
Possibly to much light? You say it is up on the frag rack.
I don't think it's too much light, it's been in the same spot for 5 months and it was thriving before 2-3 days ago.
Could another nearby coral be irritating it? Zoanthids are pretty toxic and if they perceive a fight for real estate, they can put out a nasty whammy. Try moving it.

I just saw that you are selling an urchin in your other post, I'd put money in him as the rain your acan looks eaten.

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huh didn't even think about the urchin... Well I just moved the acan frag to my new system so we'll see if it starts to recover over there....