Dying/dead clam

the clams I bought at our Power buy last month--the anem. 's one about 3 or so months, the other about 2; that's what I said, I don't think my water is off, or at least my GSP's would be showing stress (they're stress indicators what I heard). that's why I think when I added the cal-I burned it--b/c everthing in its area got "burned" back--a tough lesson learned--I was just wondering if this was gonna killit or will it come back?
I hate to say it, but I think that clam is a goner. It is showing signs of what is called "gaping". The shell opens "too" wide, and the mantle withdraws way in. Usually clams that show this are not too far from dead. I say remove it before it pollutes the tank. Unfortunately, this is caused by a ton of things, so tehre is no real way to tell what caused it.
Panda is correct I believe. Keep in mind if that clam dies in your tank overnight it can tank a lot of the creatures in the tank with it.
Cameron;118336 wrote: Panda is correct I believe. Keep in mind if that clam dies in your tank overnight it can tank a lot of the creatures in the tank with it.

???--do you mean by it polluting the water??

I took the clam out last night--he was still alive, but barely; I felt horrible, but I believe it was the best choice for the situation. That's the worst thing about this hobby-thanks for all you guys' help, and maybe next time I won't be so dumb and careless about my dosing