easy glue question


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I just bought some more SPS frags and before I had been able to glue the frags outside of the tank.

So heres the question, I have a monti cap. Is it safe to take the frag out of the tank, put glue gel on it then place it on a rock in the main tank? The rock will never be out of the tank during this process so I need to know if it is safe or not.
yes it is safe. The glue will skin over so use more than you think you need. Just rub the glue "bubble" where you want it and hold in place for a about 30 seconds. The skin glue will not stick but the inside is not cured and will hold after you pop the bubble... I have a few mounted like this in my tank so it will work. It may take a time or 2 to get the hang of it.

thanks, I tried it yesterday. It was very hard to get the hang of at first but after that it was alright. I did on frag this morning, only one try.