Easy Reefs Masstick


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Sugar Hill
How many of you have tried Masstick? I ordered a 70g pouch and it should be arriving today. I tried searching on here and theres one thread where it possibly caused an algae bloom. Some on R2R swear by it while others say their fish didnt care for it.
I gave it a try before just on a whim. The fish were ok with it overall. Some liked it... others wouldn't touch it even after I went through the whole thing. It's also fairly messy... more like messtick :)

I'm feeding frozen and nori that all the fishies enjoy these days.
Real messy. I haven't used much of it since its labor intensive. I feed frozen, nori and Sera Marine O-nip fish food tablets. These are the same concept and are much easier to feed. Also, my fish love it.
Did you have a copperband butterfly and/or a mandarin goby at that time? If so, did they go for it?
Did you have a copperband butterfly and/or a mandarin goby at that time? If so, did they go for it?

No, CB's are notoriously picky eaters and I have not had much luck with them. The one I did have ate a little bit but wasn't thriving with my yellow tang being a bully so I re-homed him. Mandarin's primarily eat copepods so if your Mandarin isn't eating it may be there aren't enough pods in you system so I'd purchase some and add to your tank.
Sounds like money wasted. It wasnt cheap either. $30 for 70g.

Fortunately I dont have those fish yet. Im trying out different things to see if they work with my finicky/shy eaters and, if successful, I was going to get those fish mentioned. Im getting a brine shrimp hatcher as well to try out and see if the corals take to it.
Copperbands are great fish. I waited a year to buy one... The key is to just ask the LFS to feed it. If it is aggressively eating then get it. Otherwise it's probably fated to die. That one ate so aggresssively that it tried to take on a flower nem... it lost. I found it face down in the flower nem... Sad.

I found another one at Atlanta Aquarium and it has done really well. It still gets bullied from time to time but its not bad as it defends itself well. It eats like a champ... but only frozen foods.