Effects of Prazi on Reef Tank?

I've treated several fish including wrasse with prazipro in a QT with great success. Are you referring to a quarantine tank or a display tank with coral?
Manufacturer does not suggest using it in a display tank but you can. However it will kill all worms feather duster's etc. Follow directions closely and if you have overpopulation of worms the kill off could have bad consequences. Your skimmer will also go nuts.

Your corals will be fine just follow directions specifically as labeled.
I used it in my 210 to get rid of some polyclad flatworms with zero ill effects on coral. It will kill Polycladida order of worms.
It is contraindicated with the presence of fanworms and such, I've used it in a reef with no ill effects, except on the things I was trying to eliminate.

Your mileage may vary with the presence of fan and bristleworms, I didn't notice a reduction in bristleworms. I wasn't out to harm them, but I was ok with them being collateral damage.
