Emperor Angel Fish


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I am getting an emperor angel fish and I was wondering if anyone has kept them before? First, I was wondering how hard they are to keep and, secondly, have you kept them with anylive coral. I have a "fish only" aggresive tank and I have some xenia (because that is not really coral :)) in it. I want to keep it in there because it definitly adds to the system, but I know that the emperor might it eat. So has anyone had an emperor with coral before? Thanks.
Tsunami wrote: I have a "fish only" aggresive tank and I have some xenia (because if anything actually *ate* Xenia, the LFS would be able to do a follow-up sale like clockwork on anyone who ever bought this beautiful, but weed-like growing coral)
Fixed. :thumbs: :thumbs:
I had an emperor for quite some time. It ate every zoanthid, mushroom, and aiptasia (yeah). He was a dominant fish, and chastised every other fish in the tank (from the chromis to the tangs), grunting the whole time. He died unexpectantly, but I actually felt a little bad, becasue my 120 was not big enough for him. I wouldnt do an emperor in anything less than a 180.
Cool. Yeah. I have some fish in there that I'm not too worried about holding there own (miniatus and panther grouper and picasso and blue throut triggers). They know how to say step back! Wow they eat aptasia. Well that will be a plus. LOL. Did you enjoy having him or was he just kind of a dud? Did he maintain his color or fade away? Thanks.
He was, without any doubt, my favorite fish I have ever owned. Very active, he would eat out my hands. I got him as a changing juvenile, and within a year he had full adult colors. I have some pics at home, I will post them the next chance I get. Definitely a cool fish, but like I said, unless you have a big tank, i wouldn't get one. Their attitudes mandate a big volume, just as much as their size.

By the way, mine happened to eat aiptasia- I dont know if they all will.
I loved my emperor angel. I got him as a juvenile and had him until he almost made it to an adult, but somehow he got stuck in a rock and didn't make it. He was a dominant fish, but didn't really bother any coral in the tank...guess I was lucky
I have had mine for about six months now. He is starting to change colors as well. A great fish that eats lots of algae. I have been feeding him dried nori as well as SanFran Bay brand frozen Angel and Butterfly food-purple box(pretty hard to find)and occasionally new life pellets. I can tell the color and HLLE changes when I don't feed him the spirulina enriched frozen food. I also give him Caulerpa when I have enough to harvest (I heard this is the holy grail for this fish).

This juv is not the dominant fish, yet. I have a Harlequin Tusk that so far holds the crown. All fish were juv. when purchased and have grown up together.

Good Luck