Enjoying my algae and cyano farm...


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So I have started running my lights on a photo-period, and have experienced an explosion of life! In the forms of algae and cyano growing on my sand/rocks. After my last waterchange, my numbers are all looking good. I have also stopped making water with tap, and am using the RO/DI. I also recently added 20 astrea, 20 nassarius, and 20 blue legs to the tank. Is there anything more I can do to proactively combat this algae, or is it more of a wait and see type of thing?

Basically you just keep up with water changes, and make sure there is adequate flow to all areas. Also, if you don't have any corals or fish you can cut those lights out to help starve the stuff out.

you CAN run GFO to help remove any phosphates.

Less Feeding, More frequent bigger water changes of 0 TDS Ro/di water, More flow if possible, Shorten light cycle if possible, you can try GFO, 3 day blackouts, and an assortment of other ways. I would also start siphoning out the cyano before lights out as well if it is extremely heavy. Usually it takes a bunch of these together and then it takes time for the algae to starve out.
I think I need some help with my flow....I either get dead spots, or a sand storm...

Cjsparky;461591 wrote: I think I need some help with my flow....I either get dead spots, or a sand storm...


I picked up some SeaFlor by Carib Sea yesterday. No more sand storms. Perhaps its a bit late now but I really wish I had let my tank cycle before I ever added substrate. It really made my tank look like it totally rusted over. Short light cycles if any at all. Let that stuff starve, I still have some stained rocks from my cycle in November.
I manually removed as much as possible, bought an RODI unit. Cut down the lights by 1/2 hour. Made sure all of mt blinds were closed and any transom windows blocked. Doubled the volume of water changes, but perform then less often (every 2 weeks), added phospate remover. I now have no cyno, bo nitates, no phosphates.
Manual removal through a small syphon tube, flow with good filtration to do something with it once you get it suspended in the water and the phos remover. UV would help too once you have it suspended. If you can hook up a big daddy fuge that would just as benefitial.