Erratic Swimming Clown


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This afternoon my female clown started swimming very erratically. The last few day's she has been very normal. She spawned a day or two ago. At lunch time I came home and fed the tank and I remember her being normal. Now she is acting like she can't keep her back end stable, maybe a swim bladder issue. She does look a bit swollen around her anus and it appears as though she has to poop, is it possible she's just a little backed up? Should I pull her and QT her for a few days?
She also has a little bit of white stringy stuff coming out of her anus. Is this from laying eggs or parasites? I haven't added anything to the tank in about a year.
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Can you PM JennM? She would be the one person that I would trust when it comes to possible sick fish remedies. I hope all goes well for you.

I heard my name called? :)

Stringy poop is frequently a sign of internal parasites.

You can spike the food with metronidazole and focus, or move her to QT with some Prazipro.

Metronidazole is sometimes used as a dewormer but Praziquantel (ie Prazipro) is better.

There used to be pelleted fish food available with Praziquantel and Lavamisole but I haven't seen it in a while - the best thing is to get dewormer INTO the fish. They will get some internal benefit from Prazipro - whichever one you can do easiest is the way I'd go.

Metronidazole also addresses some bacterial issues so if there's a swim bladder infection that may help too.
