Eshopps S-120 Cone Skimmer Problems


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Hello all,

I recently purchased an Eshopps Cone S-120 Skimmer from Pure Reef for my standard 29 gallon tank at the office. I have been having issues since day one with it overflowing. I am running the skimmer in an Eshopps R-100 sump, in the first chamber (drain chamber), and the water level stays at 9.75" consistently. Eshopps states that the optimal water level for the skimmer is between 8 to 10 inches, so I thought that throwing it straight in there would be fine. Well, once in and on, the skimmer would just overflow out of the cup. I took the cup off to see if I could adjust the bubbles down to the neck just below the collection cup. No matter what the setting, the bubbles would continuously overflow.

So, I called Jorge over at Pure Reef to discuss the issue. We agreed that I would likely need to raise the skimmer, so I raised it up 1.75" to see if I could get the skimmer to not overflow. No luck, called Jorge again, he said that he is running the exact same skimmer on his tank at home and has it in about 6" of water, with no problems. So he suggested that I raise it up a bit more, and I did. The skimmer is now sitting in approx. 7" of water, and was still overflowing no matter what setting it was dialed into. Jorge said to just let it run for a few days to see if it would break in and somewhat adjust itself. So, I left the cup off and have let it run overflowing since Friday.

When I came into the office today to check on it, I saw that it was still overflowing. I tried adjusting the bubble level, and still, no matter the setting it just overflows.

I was hoping that someone here might have had a similar experience, and might be able to provide some insight as to how I can remedy this problem? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

For now I have the skimmer set where the dots on the adjustment tube meet up (wide open I believe). I guess I am just going to leave it set this way until I can come up with something else.

Note: I have not used any treatments, coral glue, or anything else that I know of that could have an ill effect on the skimmer. The only thing that may be have had effect is I had all of my hammer and torch coral die off. My other corals do not seem to have been affected. I assumed it might have been from touching them too much when setting the tank up or when I had to move them around to catch a few fish recently. There really isn't anything else that I can think of that may have altered the chemistry of the water in such a way as to make the skimmer go crazy.

I have attached some pics of it overflowing and where I have it set to now (dots matching up). Do you think that I should set it with the dot on the opposite side for break in?
Have you checked inside the silencer/intake for something blocking it?
Yes, quickly glanced at it all, but I will break it down tonight and give it a much more thorough look over.
No need to break it down. Put your thumb over the intake hole, should behave differently
Suction is great, less bubbles when covered. Same for silencer/output.
I have it on an egg crate stand currently, raising it 2.75" to a water depth of 7". Are saying that I should raise it 4 to 5" so that the water level is approx. 4.75 to 5.75" deep?
Thanks for checking in, but I had to come home, so I will raise it in the morning when I get back to the office.
So, I have tried this thing at differing depths and no matter the depth, it overflows. Right now it is set at 5.25" deep, still overflows, but the water line in the skimmer body is right where it needs to be. I am getting ready to pull the sump out and give it a thorough cleaning to see if it has some sort of contaminant in it.
I wonder if the skimmer was washed with soap or something that is causing the issue. I know you said you had not added anything to the tank in a while and I believe you bought the skimmer new, so I'm not sure what the possibility here is. However, it's about the only cause left.