Eshopps S-120 Cone Skimmer Problems

Well, took it to Pure Reef with me when I went to get some SW. They tested it in a bucket of fresh salt water and it performed perfectly. Seems to be something in the water, Jorge said to run carbon for a while to see if it clears up. That is what I am going to do.

Also, just bought a 150g tank, gonna need a bigger skimmer and sump anyways.
So, probably gonna put it up for sale, even though I will be losing money on it.
I paid around $275 for it with taxes out the door. Would want at least $200 considering it is practically brand new, and knowing that it works perfectly.
Matter of fact I will be buying another, just larger model for the 150g.

Edit: I really like how the cup attaches to the body, and especially how quite these things run.
Got a guy from craigslist that wants it, but we haven't gotten together yet.