external vs. internal (sump) pump

Great points Roland. There are 2 Maxijet 1200's in there now. I'll check on the Sureflow addition. The flow reduction due to the plumbing and such makes sense. A 40% reduction in flow for the existing pump yields ~700GPH. 155G tank at 4x = 620.

I would like to stay in the same range as this net GPH flow but I want a MUCH quieter solution. I will try the MAG18 in a bin tonight and see how it sounds. If it's not better, I'll be looking for an ultra quiet external ASAP.
You can ditch both MJ1200s and put in one Koralia 4 which would increase your flow by 600gph and cut your costs down since the K4 only uses about the wattage of one MJ1200. Couple that with a smaller return and you could easily save $100+ a year on electricity costs.
Roland Jacques;121766 wrote: If quiet is your goal, determine what your water movement goal really is and why. Most people don't want or need 10xs there tank volume going through their sump. The water alone will be noisy and their are many other reason not to have that much sump flow. A lot of Reef "Experts" flow much less water through their sump 2-4 xs the tank size. They get their circulation for their tank water but other means. Penductors, Closed loops, or in tank high flow pumps. One small 20 Watt in tank pump can move more than 15xs your tank volume. just something to think about.

I agree with Roland here - I would highly, highly recommend going with a smaller pump for your return and using some other form of flow for your display tank. It's not worth the added heat, noise, or other issues. I've been down this road...it's not worth it....
Thanks to Jin, I am going to put a Velocity T4 external pump in place of the MAK 4. Roughly the same GPH as I have now without the noise, without the need for more plumbing changes, and without spending $100's. This should be a nice fix for my problem. I also like the mouse pad mounting idea which will be used for sure.

...And I'll be looking to upgrade/replace the MJ1200's very soon anyway. :)
Yup- the T4 is the quietest pump by far. It's also very hot. Be sure to schedule maintenance every 3-6 months. The internal bell is titanium, and is used as a heat sink for the motor, thus transferring the heat from the motor to the water. This isn't a maintenance issue, but the calcium buildup (caused by precipitation of calcium due to the heat) on the bell will cause the motor to seize over time.

The solution is to just take the volute apart and let the bell soak in vinegar overnight every few months. If you don't, it'll tell you it's time by locking up (and possibly overheating) the pump. When I realized this on mine, I had probalby 3-4mm of calcium hardened on the bell...
Yep, mine has seized up from buildup twice in about 1.5 years. I'm going to be proactive about it this time though and clean it when I get to the 6 month mark. All pumps need maintenance though from time to time. Since your tank is in your home theater area its worth the added hassle for the extreme quietness of the pump. If it doesn't work out for you just bring it back and I'll give you a refund minus the 30% restocking fee :).
Thanks for the heads up, can't wait to have a peacefull living room again.