feather duster concern


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I was checking up on my tank and have noticed a bit of purplish color on the body of my feather duster and by body I mean the grayish shaft that the crown recedes in to when it is touched or something.

anyway, I am thinking it is coraline if in fact it would grow on it and as my coraline population has increased tremendously since this past week. it nice to know I have it growing again. but back to the topic at hand.

if anyone knows or can point me to a link that would be good and if I need pics to help left me know and I can flick the lights on just to get a pick.

not sure what ya mean, its soft I do know that. not sure if it has slime but it does where it is attaching to the rock in the rear and some sand near the opening. i'm gonna get some pics just to be sure.
It's not a big deal. Coraline will grow on almost anything if conditions are right, but to my knowledge it will not kill anything.
ok, this is the best I could do.

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my browser closed and lost everything else I typed so if I think of it I will post it :)
hey ya'll still having a problem with this guy. had him since about maybe mid october and he has been fine till when I started this thread. the tube has gotten to be more purple and I am not sure what I am doing wrong or if he is dying. He is responsive in receding into his tube so he is alert. suggestions on what I need to do?
i thought so too but water flow where it is located is under the powerfilter and a koralia 1 is moving water around it as well so i wouldn't think it would grow, doesn't blow off either and it looks like it is on the tube. also, the worm has attached itself to the rock so it can't really move.

i'm so confused right now.
heh, water flow is a tricky thing. I have over 6K gph of flow in my 140 and I still get cyano.
yea, I have cyano in the lower left front of my tank and that seems to be where there is little flow, but I don't think its cyano tho. too purple I'll take updated pics tomorrow, also reaction time to retreat in the tube is a little slow.
Def looks like cyano.

use some air line hose or similar and see if you can siphon it off. If so, CYANO!
+1 one cyano!!
Might not be a flow issue..sometimes over feeding the tank will cause it.
Ok, I did what Derek suggested and I didn't suck any off the tube of it.
Actually it stuck to the tube of the worm.

I barely feed. I feed a frozen cube every say 2-3 days and don't dose very often. I may to zooplex every few weeks or so.
I wouldn't worry about it. It looks like cyano and could be meshed into the fabric of the tubing so it may be difficult to remove.

The feather duster looks happy though, which is all that matters. You could cover the tube up with some rocks to deprive it of light and soon enough that coloration shoudl be back to normal. I wouldn't do anything about it though, it actually looks better as is. Cyano is kinda pretty if you ask me though :).