February Photo Contest - Your Favorite Coral!


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This contest is free for any supporting members! If you're not a supporting member consider joining, it's well worth it.

Please post a picture of your favorite coral on this thread. The photo must be yours. It can also be a nem. Odd how most places categorize them as inverts...

Entries are closed on 3/1 and a winner will be decided by our contest committee.

The prize for the winner will be a baby juggernaut bounce.

I don't have anything as amazing as @bhodges82's fungia and awesome corals that I'm sure many others will post as well, but I will try to take a picture of something just for the fun of it tomorrow when the lights are on. Hmm, maybe I can win this one with the coral I won last month, lol.

Thanks for doing these contests Jin, that's awesome of you!
Ok how do you guys get such good pics? All I have is my iphone and my pics always suck
Ok how do you guys get such good pics? All I have is my iphone and my pics always suck

It’s all about the lighting. I also use my iPhone(can’t wait for the new galaxy s10) and I find that on 2x zoom mode the image is clearer and you can tap the screen then adjust light up or down depending on the color you want to see. Another trick is to use a yellow lens filter, but this will usually make things look a little too fake in my opinion and doesn’t really give an accurate portrayal of the coral. It’s almost impossible to get a good photo under blue led light.

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I just got one of these, any tips? Took me about a week and a half to find a spot it liked.
It took me a while to make it happy had to move it around a bit also. They like the medium flow and good parameters.