Feeding a sea star/starfish.


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I just purchased a beutiful bicolor favia brain and a porcolain crab and a light tan with black pore star fish hitch hiked on the bottom of the brain. Ive begun drip acclamaiting in the hopes of keeping the star alive but i dont think i have enough algae to keep it alive so i was wondering if theres any food they will redily eat. It looks realy cool and i would love to keep it. Any help is apreciated, it is about and inch big and lookin pretty good so far.
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I dont mean to be pushy but i kindove need to know what the chances of this thing living are so i know wether or not to put it in my tank. I would rather it die in the toilet hten in my tank. Thanks!
I pass on the hi 5 lol...
But as fars as I know they don't eat algae... I read something about sponges and coral... that will be my guess
Im not sure this is a coral eater, there was like 10 in a small tank and the coral looked fine, I guess if they could live in a display tank with no rock they could live in mine, still not sure. Good thing acclimation takes forever, it gives me time to decide.
I think you're fine... just keep youre eyes on it for a little while.... sponge is my bet on it.
That appears to be a Linkia sp. Their true diet is completely unknown- typically believed to be microbes and other "lower" life. Sadly, they do not have a good survival record in captivity. Good luck.
jmaneyapanda;286476 wrote: That appears to be a Linkia sp. Their true diet is completely unknown- typically believed to be microbes and other "lower" life. Sadly, they do not have a good survival record in captivity. Good luck.


and you need to consider returning it to the store you got it from before flushing it. especially if it hitchhiked and they didn't realize they were giving it to you. unless the coral had JUST come out of the bag, chances are they put the star in the tank beforehand and are now wondering where it went. not saying you have to, because it's their fault for not checking, but it would be a stand-up thing to do.