Feeding Candy Cane


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I was just wondering if It is possible and if anyone feeds where Candy Cane directly? It is putting out feeder tanticles during the day and night. I feed DT's phyto plankton every other day. Should I give it a piece of mysis?
no..leave it alone....It get what it needs form the water column..
Alright. Also should they be placed higher in the tank with a lot of flow? I had used to put them in the rock and they were dyingn so I tried putting them in the sand but they don't grow. They look healthy but they do not grow. Are they just really slow growers?
I glued mine to the rockwork and they seem to do okay. If you got a small frag, it will take them a bit to get started... but once they do, they'll split pretty quickly.
Candy Cane grow fast and slow depend on which 1 you have.

I sometime feed my DT, but not that often.
i was reading this earlier it may shed a little light although I am not sure if what he has is a candy cane or not. I got the same frag as you at the last meeting and mine seems to be growing. I have seen the feeder tentacles on more then one occasion now pretty cool to see really.
Stroid are you talking about the Green candy cane? I have both kinds. I have the green and the green/red. I see the feeder tanticles out on the green one like all day but I hardly ever see the red one's probably like 3 times a week.
Since I assume you got it from me, I'll chime in. :)

What you have is http://www.scientificcoral.com/index.asp?mid=5&wbl=L-102CaulastreaBlue.asp">Caulastrea a.k.a. Candy Cane</a>. These definitely respond to small food such as Cyclopeze or zooplankton, but it is by no means necessary. Mine never got food other than water column for over 4 years. All they need to flourish is calcium and light.

They reproduce by fission so they will take off. Bryan, how long have you had them and what lighting do you have them under?
Maroons15 wrote: Stroid are you talking about the Green candy cane? I have both kinds. I have the green and the green/red. I see the feeder tanticles out on the green one like all day but I hardly ever see the red one's probably like 3 times a week.
I was referring to the green candy cane which apparantly is blue lol. Thanks again George they are doing great and I really like them a lot.
Calling them "blue" isn't exactly accurate, but I guess compared to the really ecto-green ones, they're bluer.
They sure are pretty. Thanks again George! I never see the thing without the feeder tenticles out. It is healthy though. It is full and expanded.