feeding lionfish,triggers, and a puffer


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I have currently bought a 3 inch humu humu trigger,blackfoot lionfish, and a porcupine puffer. what should I feed them? Live or frozen?
naw im just kidding...I used to have a toby puffer, he'd just about anything...
no I added them about vtwo weeks apart from one another. And I have a 75 gallon predator tank. And all of the fish are two-three inches in lenth.
they will do all right, but eventually you'll probably have to upgrade to a larger tank--with the lion, the general rule is-if it will fit in his mouth and he can "catch" it, he will eat it--triggers really "peck" more at their prey, and puffers too
it's best to feed them a variety, frozen shrimp, mysis, krill, silversides, squid, etc.--feeder fish generally aren't as nutritious (unless gut-loaded, but are kinda expensive too)--but soak them in vitamins, and everyone will eat the lion fish will be the hardest to train---
I had to "dangle" food in front of him for like a week before he would snatch at it--
it's kinda a PITA to get the lion to first stop eating--but he will-don't give in and feed him comet goldfish or the feeder guppies-he'll be healthier in the long run with the prepared stuff!
actually you need to occaisionally put in like a hermit or snail-at least a shell-so they can munch on its shell and wear its teeth down--putting in shrimp with its shell on can also help with this--if you don't wear the puffer's teeth down occaisionally, you will have to "file" them down-I've never done this, but I don't think it's an exciting thing to do-not to mention the stress on the fish