Fighting ich with kick-ich, garlic vitamin c


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Couple of days ago I've noticed my powder blue has some signs of ich on him while other tangs looked okay.
I did a research on the cure for parasite and figured to go with kick-ich program.
Having to catch 10 fish in a large tank with 200lbs of live rock seems challenging

Day 1 of using kick-ich was yesterday and in addition I'm using garlic with fish food to boost their immunity system.

Prior using kick-ich I had to turn off the skimmer for the duration of the program as well as removing active carbon and turning off GFO reactor.

Everything looked to be going great until I desired to add vitamin c in the system.
I've checked parameters.
Calc- 460
Ph was at 8.2
Orp was at 416

I read that recommendation for vitamin c was 30ppm
I took 3 teaspoons of sodium ascorbate vitamin c and dumped it all into overflow and went to sleep.

Over night I looked at the fusion app and was shocked...
Orp dropped all the way to 103
Ph dropped to 7.76

I didnt know what to do and was hoping for it to balanced in the morning.

This morning I've used ph booster and got it up to 8.15. Orp went up a bit from 103 to 246

Right now I'm kind of in the dark, not knowing how this will affect corals and fish.

Anyone here have had experience with using kick-ich and also dosing vitamin C ?

Thank you

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How many gallons is your system? 3 teaspoons sounds like way to much at one time, especially if you grabbed a tablespoon by mistake. It is an acid and an antioxidant which is why the ph & orp fell.

You might want to look into
a> and dosing per their recommendation. You would need to look up how to mix sodium ascorbate with RODI or aquarium water to get the right dose. How did you come up with 3 teaspoons = 30ppm in your tank
anit77;1107505 wrote: How many gallons is your system? 3 teaspoons sounds like way to much at one time, especially if you grabbed a tablespoon by mistake. It is an acid and an antioxidant which is why the ph & orp fell.

You might want to look into">getting this</a> and dosing per their recommendation. You would need to look up how to mix sodium ascorbate with RODI or aquarium water to get the right dose. How did you come up with 3 teaspoons = 30ppm in your tank?[/QUOTE]

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I've read up on it on the forum and looked up on YouTube. May have been a mistake.
System volume is around 140-150 gallons

175 gallons - live rock / sand

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I see. you'd need a lot of Brightwell's product to get to those concentrations.

Is the sodium ascorbate you got buffered? If not it has a PH of 4!
Kick-Ich (i havnt seen any cases of this actually removing the parasite) won't eraditcate ich... once its in your system, its in there until you have a fallow period. If you want to get rid of it, you have to remove all the fish...too much work? That's fine! All you can do is manage it.

Garlic will certainly help boost fish appetite but will do nothing for getting rid of the parasite. Tangs are pretty susceptible to ich, if it gets bad, you can try a freshwater dip to shock some of the cysts off the gills.

Reducing stress is all you can do...try to keep your hands out of the tank if possible and keep them fed.

Even if it appears the Ich is gone (meaning Cysts are not visible [this happens due to the life cycle of ich, not because Kick-Ich did anything]) it will forever be in your system and could pop up again in a few months or a year. All future additions will be exposed to it.
The whole garlic thing has pretty much been debunked as not so good.

My personal observations with Kick-ich... seems to work better when dosed at night. I had a long chat with the manufacturer once about it and we wonder if the UV emitted from aquarium lighting has an effect on it, so night dosing seemed to work better - I had a number of people, including myself, notice that nighttime dosing worked better (purely observation, no hard science to back it up.)

Reduced stress and feed them well, keep an eye on water quality - same stuff...

And yeah it's never really 'gone'... just 'managed.'
