Filmy substance all over my leather - other unknown...


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Hi all,

I noticed this white filmy substance all over my leather coral tonight. The coral has been in my tank since Tuesday morning and this is the first I see of it....

I sucked a little bit off it with a turkey baster thinking that it was just junk and thats when I notcied that it was all over does come off but I didnt want to suck it up without knowing what it is first. Any ideas?

One other thing I noticed in my tank was a tentacle that came out of the bottom of my live looked like a squid tentacle but it had suckers all the way around. The color was white, cludy, not quite see through but almost....I watched it for about 1/2 hour and it was the onlytentacle to ever come out.....It moved around a lot, found a mysis shrimp, ate it and the tentacle got fat.....any ideas what thiis might be?

It sounds like your leather is just sliming/sheding. They tend to do that from time to time. Nothing to worry about.

The tentacle thing sounds like a peanut worm. If that's the case, then its comepletely harmless.

Take a look here and see if you can find it:"></a>

My guess is: [IMG]"></a>

Hope that helps..

Agree. Leather sloathing is normal. You can use a tooth brush to wipe it clean and it should come back better than ever.
fwiw i wouldnt use a toothbrush on the leather, I think its too rough and might damage some of the tissue if you dont use it correctly.
Ive just let the leather be but it has all gone away yet....but some of it has....

and the worm....i guess it was a peanut worm from everything ive read...pretty cool...
