Finding My Happy place

Jeremey’s reef

Well-Known Member
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Forest park
Hello Reef Friends, it’s been a while since I’ve been here. I would just purchase coral after coral and nothing would survive and after so many losses I took a break from coral and just feed my fish. I was doing my monthly water change when I noticed some actual coraline “I hope I spelled that right” on my rock. As some of you may remember I started my Waterbox 5526 build in March of 2020 and it has been a fish only for about 4 months. This has me wanting to try to get back into corals. Is there going to be an Expo this year or I thought I remember there being a big event in Atlanta this year either MACNA or Reefapolooza if I’m not mistaken.
Macna was supposed to be last year and was cancelled and changed to online only. The closest large coral shows were in Orlando and already happened this year. There were smaller shows in SC and other regional places. The ARC had a frag swap here locally a few months ago.
Last year, MACNA scheduled their 2021 show here in Atlanta for Sept. 3-5, which they have since decided to reschedule for sometime in the future. They have scheduled a virtual meeting instead, as mentioned.

Because of the scheduled MACNA show & in consideration of what was going on with COVID at the time last spring, the ARC BOD decided not to have an Expo this year. The Gwinnett Expo Center wasn’t available on any acceptable dates had we wanted to anyway. We checked, and had a multitude of conflicts to dodge in that attempt. It just wasn’t meant to be & in hindsight was a blessing. As we would have likely forfeited significant money/deposits/etc. had we made the necessary commitments.

We had an in person meeting in June with a variety of coral vendors & individuals. Sorry you missed it. That was only the 3rd (?) in person meeting we have had in over 18 months, obviously due to issues mostly related to COVID.

The Board, at the risk of sounding boastful, has spent considerable effort trying to maintain some semblance of normalcy during these trying times.
@Jeremey’s reef, let me start by saying you will not find better prices than the Livestock forums for just about any coral you could want. It's probably a good idea to check and post your tank parameters if you haven't somewhere else and maybe consider a tester coral or two to see if the problem you were having has indeed resolved itself with age.

Coral events are fun and they are great opportunities to see a lot of corals at once. We could certainly do a better job as a club keeping track of events near us. @sharis100 had a good summary of previous events that are helpful to keep in mind for next year. There are still a couple of shows that are in Atlanta or the surrounding area if you search. @spike as he might have some other events I am not aware of and hey if there are other sponsors that are planning on attending other coral events not mentioned below, let us know!

The next event I am aware of in Atlanta is the Atlanta Coral Show currently scheduled for November 13th 2021. I believe that several of the vendors that came to our frag swap will be in attendance. There is also an event, the Southeastern Aquatic Expo, in Simpsonville, SC ~a 2 hour drive from Atlanta, currently scheduled for September 25th. I've been thinking of attending that one myself, the link is below.
