First Tank Blackout due to dinos


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After Christmas day I went out of town for 3 days. Typically I have a buddy feed the tank but forgot to set everything up for him so the tank went 3 days without being fed. With the tank already having very low nutrients this made the nitrate and phosphate levels unreadable. As soon as I got back the dinos were starting to grab a hold. I have increased my feedings and put my skimmer on a timer(off for about 5 hrs per day). The dinos still appear to be spreading. Today I dosed 2 ml of Hydrogen peroxide(My system is about 42 gallons) and started a blackout of the tank. I was skeptical about dosing H2O2 so I started with half the amount that some people recommend online.
I have a few questions:
1. Should I turn off my refugium lights during the blackout?
2. Because this started due to low nutrients should I continue to feed for these 3 days?
3. Should I be dosing H2O2 more than once per day?
4. How worried should I be about my anemone moving during the blackout?
5. What am I missing?
Also seeing as my skimmer has been the main water aeration in my tank, would having it off for 5 hrs negatively affect my tank?
Turning off the refugium light is a good idea, feed as usual, yes it is possible the nem may walk around a bit, turning your skimmer off for a period each day doesn't affect aeration as long as sufficient flow at the water surface is present.

Just my opinion.
The peroxide won't hurt anything at that do any harm to do it twice a day.

As bobby said, if there is good surface agitation shutting the skimmer down isn't going to be bad. Day time is the best for it if you're concerned.

For the nem, you can make powerhead covers from plastic canvas and zip ties. This way if it does free float it won't get pureed. A pulsing flow will also help it from getting stuck.

I haven't had dinos before, so I can't offer much else.
Thanks for your responses. I went to feed and noticed one of my anemones had moved from underneath the rock work to the top near my sps. I moved him to my anemone basket. I think I am going to try the hydrogen peroxide and stability for now and then grab some vibrant.
I had dinos during my 10g cycle and was able to get it under control to the point I couldn't see any. I'm guessing the lower nutrients and also the introduction of a better light made them come back.
It's not too bad right now if it gets worse I will do a black out with better preparations.
After Christmas day I went out of town for 3 days. Typically I have a buddy feed the tank but forgot to set everything up for him so the tank went 3 days without being fed. With the tank already having very low nutrients this made the nitrate and phosphate levels unreadable. As soon as I got back the dinos were starting to grab a hold. I have increased my feedings and put my skimmer on a timer(off for about 5 hrs per day). The dinos still appear to be spreading. Today I dosed 2 ml of Hydrogen peroxide(My system is about 42 gallons) and started a blackout of the tank. I was skeptical about dosing H2O2 so I started with half the amount that some people recommend online.
I have a few questions:
1. Should I turn off my refugium lights during the blackout?
2. Because this started due to low nutrients should I continue to feed for these 3 days?
3. Should I be dosing H2O2 more than once per day?
4. How worried should I be about my anemone moving during the blackout?
5. What am I missing?
I had a dino out break. Order food grade h202. I did a three day black while continuing the use of h202, now dino free
I had a dino out break. Order food grade h202. I did a three day black while continuing the use of h202, now dino free

How much did you dose and how often?

I just did my second dose of vibrant yesterday and siphoned most of it out through a filter sock. It was not looking good this last week bc when I started vibrant I stopped h2O2 until Wednesday when I saw its ok if you don't dose h2O2 within 24 hours of dosing Vibrant. So far today it looks great! Hopefully it stays down. I'm going to be picking up a uv this week.