Fish aggression and acclimation control


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So I have been struggling with adding fish of the same genus due to aggression i.e. purple tang and yellow tang or sailfish tang, powder blue and powder brown.

Well I've come up with what I hope to be a good solution but only time will tell. I bought a piece of acrylic from Lowe's. Then drilled holes in it for flow the devided my tank. I realize all my not be able to do this because of your aquascape but this is really working well for me. Please see pics below. The tank is sectioned with the old tank inhabitants and or the agressive fish on one side and the new fish on the other.

This gives me the ability to acclimate my fish once they've come out of quarantine and also hope that over time the fish may get used to each other being in the tank so that when I remove the devider there will be no aggression. Currently my purple tang is after my sailfin but because they are separated he can get him. Again...the hope is that over time he gets used to him being in the tank and all will be well when I remove the acrylic.

What are your thoughts? Will this work or am I just drlaying the inevitable? The tank is a 300 gallon dd peninsula.

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In my opinion, I'd let them fight it out. Unless you are planning to keep that acrylic divider for a long time, it's inevitable that they would have to figure out who's more dominant.

Great idea for acclimation.

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The acclimation box trick never worked of me. As soon as I let the new fish out of the box the fight starts. The mirror trick worked for me. About a week before I add a new fish I put a mirror against the tank and leave it there for a week or two after the fish is in the tank and works every time for me.
MyAquariumPro;1108135 wrote: In my opinion, I'd let them fight it out. Unless you are planning to keep that acrylic divider for a long time, it's inevitable that they would have to figure out who's more dominant.

Great idea for acclimation.

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I had a co-worker some years ago whom was told that he couldn't put certain salt water fish together. I don't recall the specific fish. He placed the acrylic type divider in the tank. The fish would try and attack each other, only to find out that once they went for the others, they would hit something that wouldn't allow them to continue the fight.

After some time, my co-worker removed the acrylic type divider. The neighborhood was happy and stayed happy after that. He was happy to prove that you can have those types of fish together in the same tank.

This was his specific tank. I'm not encouraging anyone to place fish that will fight each other together in the same tank. All I can say: do your research, find out if others were successful, find out what steps they took to make a happy neighborhood, and "Enter at your own risk!"
