So, I left to go out of town on Sunday and got home on Tuesday. On Sunday my Lawnmower Blenny looked normal! Eating the algae, harassing others! I looked in my tank yesterday(Tuesday) when I got home around 6:00 pm and he seemed fine! Today when the lights came on, he looked almost black(Ive seen him like that before, so I thought it was normal) and he was laying behind my Kenya tree with the branches all over him. I stuck a net in the tank and moved him thinking it was shocking him. From when the lights came on today(2:30) until now he looks horrible! He will move every so often but it's more of a swim on his side! Also, he is SUPER skinny!!!!! I've never seen him that skinny before, so I tried feeding him medicated food with metronidazole as told to by my LFS. He will not eat and I'm just wondering if he may be too far gone for something to happen. Any advice would be great!
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