Fish experts out there!


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So, I left to go out of town on Sunday and got home on Tuesday. On Sunday my Lawnmower Blenny looked normal! Eating the algae, harassing others! I looked in my tank yesterday(Tuesday) when I got home around 6:00 pm and he seemed fine! Today when the lights came on, he looked almost black(Ive seen him like that before, so I thought it was normal) and he was laying behind my Kenya tree with the branches all over him. I stuck a net in the tank and moved him thinking it was shocking him. From when the lights came on today(2:30) until now he looks horrible! He will move every so often but it's more of a swim on his side! Also, he is SUPER skinny!!!!! I've never seen him that skinny before, so I tried feeding him medicated food with metronidazole as told to by my LFS. He will not eat and I'm just wondering if he may be too far gone for something to happen. Any advice would be great!
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isn't it?!?! If he is still alive tomorrow, which i'm hoping he will be, I may take him out and put him into a separate tank and treat the water with metro.
thanks! I liked mine...until I got a regal tang, too much aggression!! I like him now that they had gotten used to each other! Mine was FAT too!!!! I have no idea what happened! Jenn at Imagine Ocean said it may be intestinal parasites, so I may try to treat that.
Barbara;668745 wrote: My guess would be internal parasites. I got a wrasse one time that had them and by the time I figured it out, the wrasse was so thin and wouldn't eat. Unfortunately it didn't recover and died. I think certain fish are more prone to it than others, and it's really hard to figure it out before they stop eating. Once they stop eating it's really hard to save them. Good luck. How long have you had the LB?

Yeah, it's like it came so fast! I've had him for about 7 months! I fed medicated food many times with him in the tank because I had an ich breakout! I never actually saw him eat my food! It was always algae growing in the tank!
He died today around 2. I noticed him breathing really heavy this morning! I knew he wouldnt make it by the looks of him this morning!
Thanks! Yes, it snuck up on me! I don't think I could have kept him alive anyways! I was maybe going to try to quarantine him with metronidazole water but I don't even think that would have helped! Problem was, he never ate any of my food, which was sometimes medicated! He always sifted through the sand!