fish has gone missing!?


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well as many of you know i have a new tank was just cycled 30 lbs LR and it is a 29 gallon FOWLR tank. I went to the LFS and got 2 green chromis and 5 hermits and 5 turbo snails. It was all on sale and got it for a really good price. I was planning on adding my CUC this weekend but I will be out of town so I will wait until next weekend to pick it up. but this is my question.

I was given i believe it is a bar goby by my friend so i did my best to give it a home being a new tank and all it has been in there for 3 days and now one of my green chromis has gone missing!!! the goby and the other chromis get along fine.

Also on my LR is some white/brown thing they look like a white tube maybe 1 inch long and then at the top of them is little tentacles i think these are aptasia could these take a fish? Also one a piece of live rock is a brown stem 1/2 inch long at the top of it is a BIG circle about 1 1/2 inch diameter with little tiny points coming off of it all over almost the shape of a mushroom.

is it possible for something in my tank to completely eat a fish??
Do you have an overflow? If so, check it for the missing fish. Sometimes they like to hop back there. And the 1st thing sounds like aptasia, but it couldn't eat a chromis. I'm not sure what the 2nd thing is- could you post a pic?
i could try to get a pic. and no i dont have an overflow.

the bar goby is about 2 inches long greenish blue with like pink little stripes i think its a bar goby but like i said im not positive. just wanted to give description of the fish incase it isnt a bar goby
If the fish died, the crabs could have dragged it into the rockwork for dinner. More than likely it is just hiding in the back of the tank.

Do you have tops on the tank? Gobies, in general, do like to hop out (although I don't know that specifically about this species).
Best check your water for an ammonia spike and change water as needed.
well i just started to look hard and i pull the tube running from my filter in the water i pulled it off and as soon as the tube lost suction a little fish head fell out.....but only the head and there were no eyes or anything in it almost a shell. i cleaned out looking for the rest of the body and didnt find it however my filter is looking a lot more powerful now so what is the next step in this??

check for ammonia? and then what do u guys think my crappy little filter that came with my tank beginner set really sucked up a fish or just suck up a body part and something else killed it?
Now I dont know a lot but the white tube with the tents is a tube worm they are cool looking things and everyone says they are good in the tank and are a sign of everything being good.

Do a search for aptasia and you will see they look nothing alike.

HAHAHAHA like I know what I'm talking about.
<span style="font-size: 14px;"><span style="color: blue;"></span></span>
<span style="color: black;">1/2 rep point for me!</span>

<span style="font-size: 14px;"><span style="color: blue;">Loren W.</span></span>
It most likely died. When I don't see a fish for 2 days, I know my crabs are getting a $30 dinner; everyone needs to eat right?
Either 1) the fish died and was sucked up the tube (after being dead) or 2) he got sucked up the tube and that killed him. Either way, if you are going to use a HOB filter (which would not be my first choice but that is a different topic) I would get a sponge gaurd or atleast a screen for your filter tube. It happends more often then you think that a fish gets traped up there. I have also seen people drill holes into the tube below the water line to cut down on the amount of suction. It makes it so if a fish does get clost to the end of the tube, the water can find another path into the filter and the fish does not caught in the flow.