fish in need of help


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hey guys i have 4 chromis in my tank but one of them is not doing so well he is swimming around in circles on his back ,for some reason i think that he might have broken his spine,can this happen cause he is not moving his tail fin .well here is the thing i want to get him out to qt him but dont have a qt ready and im so tight on money right now that i can afford to set one up can some one please come get this litttle guy and see if he has a fighting chance he is trying to eat but all the other fish are picking on him when he comes out of hideing.some pm me if you can do something i know he is only a 5 dollar fish but he is alive and doesnt deserve this who ever gets him is more than welcome to keep him thank you .victor:help:
Sound slike the little guy might have an internal parasite or something more serious. A humane way to end its suffering is to put him into a ziplock bag and put him in the freezer. He will just got to sleep as it freezes. Just my opinion, other might have a better way or provide help.
hmm... I still do not agree that freezing is humane; but thats just my opinion.
As much as I hate doing it... I stil think a bag and hammer to the head is best. Quick and "painless"
hold on guys let me freez you or hit you over the head with a hammer .no jk but i would like someone to help if they can to at leaste see if he can make it he is eating it looks as if he broke his tail fin
Drop him off at my house. It sounds like an internal infection. I could treat him for u, and u can have him right back if he makes it.
lets see if someone ore local to me chimes in if not ill pm you thanks for the offer
i dont care about getting him back i just want to save him
Vic, I could give you the 10 gal QT to let you see if you can treat him... I do not have time to put into treating him myself but I am sure between Jin and Me, we can walk you through running down what he might have.
if he has been under a lot of stress/trauma/chasing, etc., I am guessing it is some sort of myopathy, which is essentially destruction of the muscle tissue, rather than some sort of infection. Unfortunately, if this is the case, treatment is rather limited. Good luck.
Ya, I do not really know of a treatment if it is myopathy other then a relaxing trip to the day spa (QT tank). There is not much else that you can do for it that a reefkeeper would want to try.