Fish poo not so bad.


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I always used to think fish poo was bad but in my new setup I was forced to accept that my tank would not be as clean as the previous.

At first I was sad to see some some corals that were really bright start to fade still nice corals but definitely different. Then over the past couple months the colors improved and I have grown to really like the color. I would show some pictures of what more fish poo can do. For the most part all corals are getting the same or very similar par but I can't remember what bulbs the first ones were taken under.

Before. I liked it better this way but it's still very nice now.
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After This one looks better now.
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I have had this chalice for a year it was brown with light yellow highlights. I thought I would give it a try in the display after 3 weeks it looks like this.

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So now I guess I am a propionate for more fish poo at least little more than I had before. :) I still think some looked better in the old tank but some look better in this tank. Can't have your cake and eat it too.

What you guys opinion on fish poo and the effects on corals?

Is the fish poo like a carbon source?

I test my nitrates today and with an Elos kit and it is maybe 1 but not any were close to 2.5. It was about the same in the tank before always undetectable.

Phos are .04 now and were .03 in old tank.

Try to post the chalice again.

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Can a mod help me here the pic and link work else were. Is the pic to big?

Thanks Joe
Thanks Steve

I thought it would be an interesting topic. Never thought I would like poo.

one more time.
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Joe, looks like it is censoring Your link. Is there maybe an accidental bad word in name of pic?
Hey Winnie ,
I think you are absolutley correct about the
Seriously I do believe that the corals like having the food source in the tank. I feel it is only after the breakdown of organics and the nitrogen cycle kicks in that the problems began.The trick I think is to remove the waste before it takes place, which your system obviously does well.

I keep all my fish for water movement and pooh!
Yours truly
So is this actualy the detritus being beneficial? Or are the corals actually able to injest some of the smaller particulate food you're feeding the fish, maybe as it breaks down in the water column?
You sure it's not because of the lighting change? The frag above with mucho poo looks more like your colony in the old tank.
The before and afters both look really good. You are right though, some look better one way, some the other way. Too bad we just cant have it all..huh?
Joe, IMHO, in your before pictures, your corals were starved. The thing about zeovit systems is they make pastel colors by starving the corals. I hate the colors in those pastel euro tanks. Looks fake.
I use to think that was BS but now I am think I can agree with you. IMO they come from the ocean "Starving though".

Here is the thing back then I could buy a really super bright maricultured coral and they would hold there color. If they held there color for two weeks they stayed that way for the most part.

Now they take a month up to two months to adjust to the new tank. I guess what I am saying is if they are starving then they came in from the ocean like that. The really bright corals came in bright and stayed that way. A few week ago I bought one that was bright baby blue and it is slowing turning purple.:(


jmaneyapanda;341165 wrote: Joe, IMHO, in your before pictures, your corals were starved. The thing about zeovit systems is they make pastel colors by starving the corals. I hate the colors in those pastel euro tanks. Looks fake.
NA I have one in my frag tank that looks like Perry's and its under 300 to 335 par under t-5.


Oz;341147 wrote: You sure it's not because of the lighting change? The frag above with mucho poo looks more like your colony in the old tank.
YE sit does have a bad word in it. I will try to change it and see what happens.:D It say Bad _ss

JessPete;341123 wrote: Joe, looks like it is censoring Your link. Is there maybe an accidental bad word in name of pic?
Alright here is the formerly brown chalice. The only reason I kept it for so long was I saw the mother colony and it looks similar to this shot but with a little more green.

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sailfish;341180 wrote: I use to think that was BS but now I am think I can agree with you. IMO they come from the ocean "Starving though".

Thank you for saying this Joe.
This explains why my flame angel is so bright and happy. He loves tang poo!