Fish Question


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I have a 24 gal. nano reef. I have a percula clown and an engineer goby. My question is these fish have been in here for over a year by themselves, if I try to add a fish will they kill it? They get along and interact well but I thought I would try one more fish. Any suggestions?
With those fish... you shouldn't have a problem. They seem to be very docile. With more agressive fish you might have a problem. Depends, too, on what you want to add.
P.S. because the tank is so small, make sure you are conscious of what you are putting in there and what their requirements are. Also, husbandry is key :) Good luck!
Reefwife;194801 wrote: P.S. because the tank is so small, make sure you are conscious of what you are putting in there and what their requirements are. Also, husbandry is key :) Good luck!
I understand. I may be thinking about a goby or something pretty tame.
I would say that you are pretty safe with another goby. A mate for your clown would also be a great choice.