Fish selection for 45 gallon cube


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Hi all,

I used to be a member here like 10 years ago. Back to the hobble and just setup a 45 gallon Red Sea e-170 (37 gallon main display and 8 gallon in the back sump).

plan to have a mixed reef and want to run by experienced member here on what fish I can have:

Currently have 2 small clowns breaking the tank and I will leave them there.
Want to add:

Bangai Cardinal X2
Midas blenny
Diamond goby
Longnose hawkfish

would like to have some open water swimmer, any suggestions to swap in/out some?


I wouldnt think so. Lawnmowers are pretty dedicated to eating algae and midas will prob eat frozen food. Plus they dont look too much alike which is a common problem for fish aggression
I wouldnt think so. Lawnmowers are pretty dedicated to eating algae and midas will prob eat frozen food. Plus they dont look too much alike which is a common problem for fish aggression
Dont quote me on this as fact though. Im kinda musing on my own experienced opinions
Having two blennies in a smaller tank like this is kinda risky. You never know how they will react, but they are known to be territorial. You could get lucky, but the more probable outcome is someone is not going to come out a winner. Most likely the Midas will be the more timid and not do well in this situation. I would avoid the risk as you don’t want to cause stress to your Midas. When adding more than one blenny, I like to rely on at least three feet of tank space to separate their territories to minimize fighting and lower stress levels.
I have a starry blenny and a lawnmower in my 40 gallon and have had no problems plus theyve done an incredible job cleaning up some nuisance algae. I also have 2 lawnmowers in my 20 gallon frag tank with no issues. That being said i never had a midas, sharis could be right on the risk with that one.
Midas blennies like to live inside of a rock and are typically active swimmers. They are timid and can stress easily. In smaller tanks, they are more territorial and get upset if another fish gets near their rock home. Their response to stress is fear, loss of appetite, color change, hide more and less open swimming. The joy of a Midas is watching them swim around the tank and back into their hiding hole. Again, you might get lucky and be ok. But it is more likely to have an adverse affect on the Midas. In tanks 90 gallons and up, there is typically not a problem and when adding two blennies to a single tank try to match size for less issues.
I have a diamond sleeper goby. He’s one of my favorites. They keep it interesting in the tank for sure 😂80541F5A-4ABC-40BE-A188-B75E9BE16762.jpeg
thanks everyone.

so I am deciding on Midas blenny, Royal Gamma, longnose hawkfish and Diamond goby (existing: 2 clowns). I will take out clowns and let them live in a seperate tank for a week

two questions:

1. is it enough for them to forget they own the territory before?

2. as far as Midas blenny, Royal Gamma, longnose hawkfish and Diamond goby, what are the order I should introduce them into the tank? all at once or I can pace out?

thanks a lot, I love this club.