Fish Suggestions Please :)


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I have a 95G tank with 1 yellow tang and 2 clowns. I want to add another fish that is reef safe and "attractive". I would love a pygmy angel but have heard that they are hit / miss at picking on corals. Is there 1 pygmy that is less likely than others? Any other fish suggestions would be appreciated.
Six Line Wrasse would make a great fish. Lawnmower would help clearn the tank up a bit. I alway love Sleeper Banded Goby are nice to have also if you have a sandbed with rock lift.
Keep in mind that ALL angel are hit and miss. 1 can not be sure when it come to angle fish.
how about just a simple school of chromis....they are so fun to watch ....or a wrasse of some sort likea mckosker...or any of the fairy wrasses...
IMO, the reef safe wrasses are some of the prettiest fish for a reef tank. Anthias are nice as well.
Arent the LM Blennies kinda aggressive towards tangs? I agree in that a Flame Angel or even a school of anthias or chromis are great as well; I really like my engineer goby as well--he's kinda shy though
get a blue hippo tang
or a rabbitfish some times the foxface and yellow tang school.
Rabbitfish in a reef tank is often a bad idea. I would avoid these if you plan on keeping zoas and the like. I like the pygmy angels as well, but they tend to get aggressive as they get older if they are the most dominate fish in the tank. IMO it is best to keep pygmy angels in groups. There will be some agressive behavoir from time to time, but I ultimately they keep each other in check. Mike has great success with them and I have never heard of any of the common species being a problem in a reef tank.
would you care to explain on that cameron because that is the first time i have ever heard/ read that.
blind you can even ask rit ...he is selling his fox face because it eat some of his le zoas
I've tried four angels over the years and all of them developed a taste for corals. 2 Atlantic Pygmy Angels(cherub) and 2 Coral Beauty Angels.
My vote for your tank Darren is a Bi-colored angel or a Flame anger (As Beesbaby said)... I have never had a problem with my flame, I know cameron has never had a problem out of his HUGE flame, either type are accepted as the most reef safe. Cameron has had his around LPS, Zoas, and SPS, and has not had a problem. Mine has never touched my zoas, LPS, or softies..

Anthias are very nice and if your tank is the same colors I remember it, a squar or sunrise anthias would look very nice in there!
My vote will be for a quad or trio of anthias.... but that could be cause I am biased... :D
Tomi Tang is awesome...gets along great with my yellow also....just a cool fish and helps clean up
blind1993;114915 wrote: would you care to explain on that cameron because that is the first time i have ever heard/ read that.
If you keep them fat and happy, I don't think they are a problem but if you don't have ample food source they will turn on your corals. I have seen/heard of at least 4 doing it in seperate tanks. I would not personally keep one in my tank. Platypus is the first person I have ever heard have a problem with the Coral Beauty in this regard, but different fish have different personalities and different pallets and all pygmy angels have the possibility to nip from my understanding.

I would still steer anyone to the wrasse line. Not only do you get one of the more stunning reef fishes but most reef safe wrasses have a utility purpose as well in most cases. They tend to eat a variety of pests depending on the species.
while we are talking about wrasses what kind eats the most variety of pests? i as of now do not have any pests, but if i wanted to get one which is most beneficial?
I think the sixline is one of the best. Cheap, pretty and lays waste to flatworms, bristleworms, pyramidellid snails and some have been noted to clean fish (I have never personally seen this though). They also will go after your pod population. The Yellow Coris is another great specimen IMO. Known to eat zoa eating nudis. Any of the flashier wrasses are nice additions as well as most go after pests and they look stunning.
i always thought about getting a sixline, but i've read they will take down shrimp and snails. also i've seen some be aggressive towards mandarins and would not want to put a fish in my tank that would bother mine.
My flame angel was fine for a yr until i put two pocilloporas in there and he went bonkers. Sometimes it can take a while for them to show there nasty side or until u put a coral in that they recognize as food. I agree that anthias are a good choice i just added 5 lyretails to my tank and they are awesome! Keep in mind though they need to be fed frequently.