
bruce 1

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When I get my tank up and running what fish would be good for me? I have a 180 gal tank. I love clown fish, what kind could I get, and what fish would be OK with them.
(I am going to go at it slow but just doing some thinking and dreaming.)
Thank you Bruce
With a 180, you pretty much have your pick of anything. Are you doing a reef tank, or a fish-only? That will be the biggest decider, as aggressive fish don't do well in reef systems.

If you love clowns, you could probably get away with a couple pair in a tank that large, but remember, they're damsels, and can be bullies to other fish. Personally, I love the Onyx clowns and Gold Stripe Maroons.

Can I ask who's helping you get started?
<span style="color: black;"><span style="font-family: Verdana;">No one, I have just been asking some questions so far. (I may need some help) It is a Tenecor 180 Gallon set up. This is it."></a></span></span>
<span style="color: black;"><span style="font-family: Verdana;"> </span></span>
<span style="color: black;"><span style="font-family: Verdana;">What do you think? What can I do with it. Yes I do want a reef. I want it to look very good and colorful. I was hoping for some anomies but It may have the wrong lighting in it for them. The lighting is also Tenecors. (every thing is)</span></span>

Give me some ideas. I know it will be a slow process.
Wow, that's a really cool tank! Like blixem said, try to figure out what kind of lighting it is. You might be able to keep some soft corals if you're running power compacts, which clowns will also host, but if you can upgrade to T5 or metal halide, you have a lot more options.

I would suggest trying to find someone nearby that can help out with the set up. Face time is invaluable when it comes to setting up your first tank. Also, give us an idea of the research you've done. That way we can tailor our advice to your needs!
Being a hex and not a 72" long 180 it does cut your options back for fish. I ould stay away from tangs and look into a dwarf angel for a grazer. As Rit suggested that is a sweet tank for wrasses and anthias.
I will check out the lights today. Thanks for all the help! keep it comming.
<span style="color: black;"><span style="font-family: Verdana;">Here is a shot of the lights. I think the ballast are bad, They are icecap 660-009 the lights will come on for 2 or 3 seconds then go off. One is just bad blows fuses. Is this a good lighting system? Will I be able to have corals and anemones?</span></span>
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This also came with it what is it?
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Others will be able to help more but the lights look like VHO bulbs, and if they work, you should have plenty of coral choices. The other is an RO filter. It might need new media, but very useful for making your own water. It will need to be hooked up to a fresh water supply. Very cool tank too.
bruce 1;538667 wrote: <span style="color: black"><span style="font-family: Verdana">I think the ballast are bad, They are icecap 660-009 the lights will come on for 2 or 3 seconds then go off. One is just bad blows fuses. Is this a good lighting system? Will I be able to have corals and anemones?</span></span>

Check out these instructions to run down the ballast problem -"></a>

How tall is the tank and what types of corals are you wanting to keep? Depending on the answer, there may be better alternatives to the VHO lighting you currently have.
mufret;538683 wrote: Check out these instructions to run down the ballast problem -"></a>

How tall is the tank and what types of corals are you wanting to keep? Depending on the answer, there may be better alternatives to the VHO lighting you currently have.[/QUOTE]

The tank is 30 inches tall, 36 inches wide. What corals would be best. What is the better alternative to the VHO lights? Thank you Bruce
Replace the bio balls in the sump with rock rubble first. The vho's will be fine unless you want to go all sps. Then I would get a great reflector and go with a 400w halide and keep 2 of the vho's for actnics.
If tiy are doing a mixed reef then keep the vho's. I personally love them
If this was your tank what fish and corals would you put in it? (keep in mind I love clown fish) I am looking for the future, and all thoughts are needed.

Thank you for all the replys. Everyone has been a BIG help.
Depending on how good those lights are, you'll probably be able to keep an anemone, which the clowns will love. Personally, I love gobies. There are a number of different species, and they are all different, adding their own dimension to the tank. I've just recently started to love anthias as well. Mostly because they can add great color, but you can have a harem with the male standing out distinctly from the females.

One fish I would love to have, but they're iffy around corals, is a dwarf angel. It's kind of a toss up between the coral beauty and the flame angel. The reason they're iffy is that many of them nip at corals, but some have had success with them in a reef system.
SPS will do fine towards the top of the tank with that many vho's. You will need to place the corals according to their lighting needs
I remember seeing it on Craigslist. Cool tank! That is a monter Hex! I've never even heard of one that big. Really unique!
All great advice from these seasoned veterans.

For you... the the best hookup is the book Conscientious Marine Aquarist.
Make sure you get the 2nd edition (2008). Read it, learn it, know it. Refer to it often.

+1 Also on the TDS meter. Great deal on the tank and the RODI is a big bonus. A very important component but you need to test the water before you put it in your tank. ZERO TDS! Very important!

Sump? Hard to tell but IMO your going to have a tough time stuffing a sump in that cabinet that is big enough for a tank that size.

Here is an interesting thread. Notice the sump is on the side and its probably only like a 60 gallon."></a>


Heck...just go to RC and search "hexagon" :)

Research aquascaping. I would try to find some other hex tanks to look at. Get some ideas before you start piling the rocks in. You can do some really artistc stuff with a tank like that.

Flow in a HEX could be a challenge:confused2:

As stated, with the shape of the tank I would stay away from keeping tangs. They need lots of open room to swim to be happy and healthy. You should be able to keep a Nem with those lights and a nice pair of clowns.

Have fun with it. Look forward to see what you come up with.
This may be more involved than what you're looking for, but if it were me, I'd see if I could get someone to drill the tank in the middle and add an overflow right in the center to go down to a sump underneath. You could then make a really great island tank and set it in the middle of a room for viewing on all sides (if you have the space.) Just attach powerheads to the overflow so that they aren't in the way of viewing, and you'll have 360 degrees of both flow and good visibility. Could be a fun project, and not too expensive.

Come to think of it, it's a little difficult to tell from the pictures whether it's drilled or not. Do you have any better pictures of the tank?
bruce 1;538698 wrote: The tank is 30 inches tall, 36 inches wide. What corals would be best. What is the better alternative to the VHO lights? Thank you Bruce

You'll do fine with the VHOs but, as stated, I'd change out the bulbs.

Personally, for a little added cost (if the ballasts are both OK), I'd switch it over to T5s. You wouldn't even have to do it all at once since the 660 will fire both VHOs and T5 at the same time. The cost of the bulbs are pretty much the same, you'd just have to switch out the endcaps and add the individual reflectors. The T5s would give you more PAR, more flexibility and more bulb/color choices.