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ok some of you know that i have been asking about my royal gramma. well what i want to know know is if i get any new fish will the flame angel be a bully to the new fish bc we came to the idea that he was not to nice with the gramma do you think he will not be a bully unless he is picked on 1st?
go ahead and upgrade those lights and let your fish chill out for a little while see how that start acting in a week or so....thats what i did when i had a ebili angel....i added a firefish and bar goby they were all acting out of wack so i let it all chill for a month or so saved up some money and upgraded my lights. Then you can start getting into some mushrooms and zoas and you can start adding color to you tank that way.

just a thought haha sorry i couldnt answer your question i could just kinda relate to where you are right now
i already have some mushrooms but its going to be a few before i get a new fish hope i will get some pc's in the next week or so
well if you can man try and get a T5 fixture...i know it may be a little bit more money but it would be well worth it to me. Like i said i picked up an 8 bulb fixture for 200 bux with the bulbs in it.

just try searching on craigslits and around here maybe even any of those sites. but i know its easier said that done man, i will keep an eye out for ya
o haha well yeah that aint to bad at all......I would do that also. I kept frogspawn and hammer coral under my PC's in my biocube

thats a pretty good deal i would think althought i suck at knowing anything about lighting as of right now haha
You can keep most corals alive under PCs. I even had a small amount of sps growth under my PCs. Softies will thrive, you want 4 bulbs though or your waisting your money. If you are looking at a 2 bulb fixture, just get some coralife 50/50 bulbs because the color will look about the same IMO and what you can keep will be about the same.