Flame Angel Died


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Had one of our first fish ever die yesterday. I have had other fish die in my tank before but always for known reasons. I never noticed anything wrong with this fish but suspecting it was age related. It has always ate and behaved well and looked healthy as far as I can recall. My best guess is it was 9 years old. From the same period we also have a yellow tail damsel and a percula clown fish. Looking online the expected lifespan of the flame angel is 5-7 years, although it also seems there are reports that a clownfish's lifespan is 3-6 years. A couple decades ago I knew of a LFS that had a pair of clown fish they claimed were 30 years old. Since there are no other signs of issues with my tank or inhabitants I am not suspecting anything fowl.
I have two clowns that are approx 18 years old. I’m sorry for your loss, it sucks to lose a fish, especially an old fish.

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Any new roommates lately? Has the furniture been moved around in the tank? Is the other two roommates still alive (yellow tail damsel and a percula clown fish). If the two have past and he (flame angel) was the only one left, maybe he missed his original friends.

You may want to ask JennM. I consider her advice "spot on". Some years back, I was a frequent visitor here at the ARC. When I read posts of problematic fish related to sickness, I always would give a shout out to JennM for advice. I hope this information is helpful. I'm sorry for your lost. Our fish pals are family members for sure and it hurts when we lost them.

Yes, very familiar when JennM and her advice and even went to her store when it was still open. She's awesome but haven't seen her around since I got back active on here a couple months ago. The other damsel and clown are still alive and doing well, as well as a number of other inhabitants added over the past year since I rebuilt my tank. No new inhabitants lately and no behavior changes, the last addition was months ago and the flame angel wasn't bothered by anyone. Everyone gets along well except for one of my three anthias that is slightly banished from the group, because he lost the dominant battle, but has been improving slightly. Everyone seems happy and I'm not for sure what happens and currently just striking it up to old age.