Flame Angel on it's side.


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I just can't seem to win with fish! Lol. I got a text from my girlfriend telling me that my flame angel was resting on its side, not dead, but not really swimming around too much either. I have a photo but its not that great. I mean, it's just her resting on her side. I have her testing the water right now for everything too see what might be up. The only things I did over the last day or two is change my MP10 from Reef Crest to Tidal Swell Mode. Added one very small piece of live rock with a few yellow polyps on it. And put a DIY PVC spray bar from my canister a week ago. Yesterday she ate just fine.

The current stock is a coral banded shrimp, pistol shrimp, watchman goby, spotted green mandarin, and red brittle starfish (added last week).
Not to sound negative...but everytime a get one of those pgymy angels...no matter the type....they only seem to live a few days and then go to reef heaven. Mine will eat and seem fine through the day and the next morning you know. Water will be fine and nothing new going on in the tank. Good luck man.
Did it eat well mine was a picky eater at first

Edit: + params when the gf gets thru testing
nevermind i see where you said she ate

Edit: Any spots or anything odd appearance wise,online it says theyre prone to parasites and such and they benefit from cleaners(cleaner shrimp,wrasses) I'm just throwing guesses out there but mine does get normal cleanings from my cleaner shrimp.
I hope it gets well or at least that you find out what is wrong with it so that it can be treated. I love angelfish and flame angels are my faves
How long did the store have it before you purchased it? If it was collected through poison or other nefarious means, sometimes the damage doesn't show up until much later after the incident...
McPhock;848705 wrote: How long did the store have it before you purchased it? If it was collected through poison or other nefarious means, sometimes the damage doesn't show up until much later after the incident...

Not a clue.
tbryan;849561 wrote: Hows the fish doing?

I thought that she might be doing better but then she started to go belly up and I knew it was only a matter of time. So she passed the other night. :sad:
Sorry to hear about the fish dying, I was going to ask about your tank temp, from my experience the flame angels can't take the heat. Anything over 78 degrees the become very inactive.