Flatworm help I think


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Ok so I've noticed these little things on the glass on my tank. they aren't very big. They are clear but have a whitish belly when you look at them. There aren't that many maybe 1 or 2 every 5" or so. Also, lot of copepods one the glass and plenty of amphipods in the rock. So I am unsure of what it is and if its bad what I need to do to dispose of it. If it's bad I'd like to get rid of it before I move the rocks and coral into the new tank when it gets going.
i did see it and I think it might be the planeria(i think that is how you spell it)anyway i can't get my phone to focus in on it, and I also got these clear sacks with like X amount of white specs incased in it, what would that be?

back to the supposed worm, I looked at the post but I am not sure. I am going to see if my sis's DSLR camera will focus in on it, doubt it, but i will try
its in the glass, i have a mexican turbo, nassarius vibex, and astrea snails. also have a few on the snails that look like slug, can't remember the name
ok, sounds easy enough. right now there isn't very many but just wanted to be sure. i like the stomatellas as well.i saw one before i moved back to atlanta then, i'm seeing like 4 or 5 now, like a 1/2" fully stretched out, big little guys