I know of at least one reef-related forum where a fire suit is pretty much a prerequisite, even for a seasoned hobbyist - some dweeb there even called me a noob once, in a condescending way (I'm no expert but I have about 27 years in the hobby... I had about 23 at that point in time.)
This forum, *because* many of us will interact in person, sooner or later, does tend to be more friendly than most, in my experience.
Unfortunately, text can be misconstrued, people can take constructive criticism the wrong way, even when it is meant to be constructive. It just is what it is. Thinking before we hit that "post" button, and re-reading what we've written can stem that a bit, but at the end of the day, if the *reader* wants to cast a negative spin on it, they will.
There are and have been a few people who don't mince words, and can be a bit abrasive/abrupt - you know who you are

And yes, sometimes "passionate" is confused with being an, uh, well, a not-nice person.
By and large the spirit of helpfulness and goodwill here is far greater than the few who either intentionally or unintentionally ruffle some feathers. It just is what it is.
Mother always said, "consider the source" and ignore it. She gave good advice. Fighting back only makes it worse. If you don't like the tone of the answer you receive, ignore it, and only respond to people whose tone agrees with you. Note - you may get the same answer that you don't necessarily want to hear - one person may come off as abrasive, the other may be a bit more kind - but I'm suggesting to filter by the tone, not the advice.
And yes, Dave (Acroholic) is right - a lot of what we "know" is anecdotal. There are people who posts answers based on what they've seen/heard/read, and there are others who post based on what they have done that succeeded or failed. I tend to value the advice of firsthand experience over "I've read/heard"... as the latter can frequently get convoluted as it passes from person to person, whereas someone speaking from their own personal experience, can usually shed more accurate light on things.
There are people in any crowd who like to stir the pot. I've been known to whip out the spoon here and there too, when I've felt it necessary. I'm usually as polite as I can possibly be about it though - but not everyone works or thinks the same way.
I think we've got a pretty decent group of folks here, and if there's one or two that you don't seem to mesh with - well, the "ignore" feature will hide all their posts from your view. Easy enough to fix, that.