Frustrated Zania Lover


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:sad: I have purchased pulsating zanias several times from Capp Bay, Petland and other places and then they shrink and stop pulsating. I have an established tank with 15 kinds of coral, 5 starfish, 10 fish and lots of live rock and seaweed but do not know why all my zania stops pulsating and gets smaller.

Can anyone suggest solution?

Xenia like lots of flow and lots of light, but I would assume you have this based on the other stuff you have. Try it in an area with higher flow and see how that works out.
How clean is your water? ie - are you running a skimmer, or do you frequently change the water? Unlike many other species of coral, xenia prefer nutrient rich systems, meaning more nitrates are available. While your other coral may be thriving, xenia will often "starve" in an ultra-clean environment.
I have had Xenia in the past Thrive and then over the corse of two days desinigrate? For reasons I have yet to figure out. Like Zman676 said Xenia LOVES flow. Also Xenia does not tolerate high levels in Phostphate. This is because algae will grow at the stalks of it and then kill the coral. Best of luck!
I have lots of light, run a good protein skimmer, keep nitrates in range of 15 to 40 and have movedd the Zania all over the tank to see if current or proximity to light is the cause. I change 15 gallons of water at easlt once a month.

Guys atPetland say it might be the Iodide level is too low so I am trying more frequent addition of Iodide. Other ideas?
In my experience, Xenia doesn't neet a lot of flow to flourish (though it is always recommended)--especially elongata</em> species. Lighting can be varied as well - I've seen Xenia under almost all types - halides, power compact, T5, etc. - and all seemed to be doing well.

BUT, the key is to acclimate new specimens to your lighting if it's higher than the corals' previous environment. Xenia does prefer more intense light, but not if it's rushed; you wouldn't want to spend a day at the beach without the protection of sunscreen after being indoors all winter!

This is just based on my experience, though. Hope this helps!
I haven't found adding iodide to make much of a difference, but I do frequent water changes as well (which replentishes many trace elements).
Also, what is your pH at?

I just added a little buffer to raise the pH and the Xenia went nuts over it. It looked like they were giving me a round of applause. (Either that or shooting me the bird, which I'll know if they're dead tomorrow.)

Just a thought.
If it's getting smaller that most likely mean that it's getting enough or too much light. I've seen small pieces of xenia look large in the store because it is stretching out for light. What kind of lights were they under in the store? How far away from the light were they?
I add buffer once a week, at least, and the pH is fine. I change water each month and nothing seems to help. In the Petland store on Windward Parkway in ALpharetta just qwest of GA400 they have a tank full of Zania and it florishes whether it is close to the lights or far away (i use simliar lighting)and it just keeps spreading and spreading. I have talked to them a couple of times about the problem. They said they add Iodide several times a week.
If there lights are old, they will not give off the same amount of light as a new set of bulbs. I think you are seeing them stretched out because of the lack of light in the stores. Do they ball up in your tank or just sit there without pulsing?
Xiena does not do well shipping. That are 1 of te reason why pet store love to buy it from other reefer.
Xiena will do well in 1 tank and not in the other.

I got some pink xiena in my tank that you can have for free if you can make it to our next meeting.
....I got some pink xiena in my tank that you can have for free if you can make it to our next meeting.[/QUOTE said:
Wolfie, thanks for being so generous to others. :thumbs:

They just sit there without pulsating. They look like they are not supposed to pulse.
I will be at the next meeting and would be intereste din your offer and experience. How can I find you. DO you wear a hat?
All xiena will pulse in good time. I notice my pulse in the lower part of the tank and low water movement. The 1 higher up does not pulse at all.
On meleve's site (cant seem to find it now) but he ran an expirement with xenia's in a tank with a pH of 8.0-8.1 and another tank with a pH of 8.3. he concluded that if the pH is low the xenia's will open and sway in the flow but will not pump or pulsate but in the tank that had 8.3 the xenia's where pumping all over the place. Seems the connection between pumping/pulsating and pH is what is probably holding back your xenia's just my 2 cents.
Stroid wrote: On meleve's site (cant seem to find it now) but he ran an expirement with xenia's in a tank with a pH of 8.0-8.1 and another tank with a pH of 8.3. he concluded that if the pH is low the xenia's will open and sway in the flow but will not pump or pulsate but in the tank that had 8.3 the xenia's where pumping all over the place. Seems the connection between pumping/pulsating and pH is what is probably holding back your xenia's just my 2 cents.

This seems like a good possbile solution. I'll give it a try. I am not sure how to do pH testing in salt water tank. Is there such a test?
