Frustrated Zania Lover

yes, a standard high range (~7.4-8.4) pH test solution. you should be able to pick it up at any fish store.
Stroid wrote: On meleve's site (cant seem to find it now) but he ran an expirement with xenia's in a tank with a pH of 8.0-8.1 and another tank with a pH of 8.3. he concluded that if the pH is low the xenia's will open and sway in the flow but will not pump or pulsate but in the tank that had 8.3 the xenia's where pumping all over the place. Seems the connection between pumping/pulsating and pH is what is probably holding back your xenia's just my 2 cents.

I agree with Stroid..

It seems that my Xenia are very tempermental when it comes to Ph changes. I average a Ph of 8.2-8.6 depending on when the kalk doser is running or when I add any additives. The higer the Ph the more they pulse, lover the less. They are also more sensitive to light changes, tend to retract during light cycle changes but after a while they return to their normal spread. Watch your Ph levels and test when they are retracted and they are extended. Good luck! I will also be bringing some Xenia to the Frag meet!