Fuzzy growth


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Got an anemone from a fellow ARC member last month, it came on a piece of LR, and sense then it started slowly growing these little hair like fuzzies that at first I wasn't to worried about, I thought it may have been sponges spreading, as a couple of little ones hitch hiked along with the rock, but now it seems to be growing all over the rocks and some of the corals and it now has me worried, anyone have any idea what this stuff is my levels are good ammonia 0 nitrites 0 and nitrates range from 10 to 20 phosphates range from zero to .25, I dose vinigar ,and do a 25% water change every couple of weeks, CUC doesn't seem to bother with it, any help would be appreciated.

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hard to tell from the pics. the first pic makes me think it could be hydroids but the second one im not so sure.
It's hard for me to tell, either my eyes are getting bad or it's time to dust the computer screen. First pic reminded me of hydroids. Google for an image and see if it matches.

Second pic looks like sponges. I had a few while I was carbon dosing. I guess the vinegar was allowing bacteria levels to grow and that the sponges were filtering the bacteria out of the water.
There are a couple of small sponges on the second picture, and I'm not thinking it's hydroids, it's not growing I to any type of structure, just seems to be small hair like structures, that are very short, I took out all of my fish to hyposal them in another tank because of ich, so I don't have the blenny to scrape the rocks like he used to.