Garlic Guard In My Reef Tank


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Anyone With Info On Garlic Guard And How It Can Be Used. Will Hurt My Tank If Soak Some Brine And Mysid Shrimp In It Then Put It In My Reef For My Naso And Whitecheek Tang To Help With Not Getting Ich?
You can use it exactly as you described. You can soak food in it or added it to a mixture of foods you feed to your tank. Overuse may foul your tank alittle but a good skimmer should keep your tank in good shape.
How much garlic occurs naturally around a reef?

I've always wondered.

The digestive and immune systems of most if not all</em> fish have not evolved for milions of years along with the compounds found in garlic extract.

I'm just not sure that I would want to try it.
Then again, I haven't heard any bad reports either.
The only thing that I have read that makes sense to me is that it only entices the fish to eat the food. Nowhere I have found any studies documenting the fact that garlic has any impact whatsoever on their health. It just makes the food more appetitizing, hence they eat more and the food makes them get better, not necessarily the garlic itself.

There has been no downside that I have read about, so if a fish isn't eating, or isn't eating much, try adding garlic to spice it up for the fish. But don't expect it to cure anything though.
Noone really knows what mechanism the ich parasiste uses to locate and attach to their next host. However, there seems to be some evidence out there that the salicylic acid in garlic is useful in confusing ich from finding hosts. I can personally attest that with heavy doses of garlic in conjunction with a beefy UV sterlizer my bout of ich dissappeared and has never reared its ugly head again.

The thing about salicylic acid is that it tends to degrade very quickly when exposed to oxygen... so the bottled stuff is nowhere near as effective as freshly crushed garlic. The food processor here is your best friend. I soaked all their food in garlic and even let them eat some garlic chunks. I was even adding the juice directly to the water... in large dosages such that when you opened the cabinet doors the odor would hit you in a stinky wave :). Sometimes the fish would freak with higher dosages... and that would tell me that I had added too much :).

Anyways, if you don't currently have an ich problem... then I don't think you should bother dosing garlic at all. It can be used as an appetite stimulant, but if your fish are eating well and don't have ich... don't bother.
well with a tank with inverts and some condes what can you add to help the ich problem? its a 120 with a large sump along with a 350 magnum canister filter and a 220 coralife super skimmer? Help Ive got a large blonde naso that seems fine but i noticed a white spot on the fine a i didn't want to dip since he is very new to the tank
Mizah00;29650 wrote: well with a tank with inverts and some condes what can you add to help the ich problem? its a 120 with a large sump along with a 350 magnum canister filter and a 220 coralife super skimmer? Help Ive got a large blonde naso that seems fine but i noticed a white spot on the fine a i didn't want to dip since he is very new to the tank

I just spent 2-3 hundred on every conceivable ich cure out there. From garlic to sterilizers. Save your self some money and let the parasite run its coarse. You will spend more on cures than the fish are worth. I had zero luck. Or-you could remove the fish to a tank with copper, which could kill them as well due to stress. My fish that have survived the ich seem to have developed some resistance to it. I also have 2 skunk cleaner shrimp that afford some protection. I also noticed a decline in the ich when I was able to stabalize my temp. I feel your pain.