GBTA Growing Out of Control - Need Advice


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MvM gave me a small GBTA he had stored in his sump several months ago that I fed pretty regularly for a few weeks till it got back in good health, then added my Picasso clowns which hosted well. Apparently, they are far too beneficial to the nem and he has gotten VERY big. Fully inflated I'd say 10-12" diameter now. It suffocated a mille and tri-color valida and started getting pretty close to my Tyree Sunset montipora and ORA SPS's so I'm blasting him with PH's now to keep him away. Even with mulitple PH's he's still not moving, the flow just prevents the tentacles from reaching my corals. I'm almost ready to just remove it even though it's beautiful, but will that cause my clowns to freak out. I'll get them another nem but I don't want them to go skitzo in the meantime.
Have you ever thought about fragging it???"></a>

NotiReef;340681 wrote: Have you ever thought about fragging it???

Agree. Divide it.

Is there really that much demand for a green one. Everyone seems to be big on the red ones instead.

On another note, getting him out of the tank would be another battle. How would I get himto completely release without having to "peel" off the foot and possibly hurt it. The foot is probably upwards of 3" diameter depending on how much he is inflated.
jonboyb;340710 wrote: Is there really that much demand for a green one. Everyone seems to be big on the red ones instead.

On another note, getting him out of the tank would be another battle. How would I get himto completely release without having to "peel" off the foot and possibly hurt it. The foot is probably upwards of 3" diameter depending on how much he is inflated.

How big is the rock he's on? You can hold it upside down above the water with just the tips of the nem's tentacles touching the water and the foot will eventually release. Others have luck directing a power head at the anemone until he moves. I've heard of applying ice to the foot, but members here have said do not do that. I've always dislodged mine by gently working around the edge of the foot with my fingertips, easing it loose.

I've seen GBTA's sold here for $20-$30 or you could check with a sponsor for a trade-in.
He of course settled in right on top of my largest piece of LR:D He now covers about a square foot of my prime SPS territory. He settled in about 3 months ago and I was able to move the SPS's near him, but now he's expanded to the point he can reach my encrusted (and far more valuable) SPS's.

I didn't get back into the hobby with any expectations of making money and he was given to me in the beginning. I'd feel wrong to try to split it and sell the specimens. If anyone wants to give me a hand at splitting this thing, I'd be more than happy to pass AT LEAST half of him along for your trouble.
Is it possible to reach the foot with your fingertips? Might be best to just work him loose, take him to a sponsor and trade him for a smaller one.
Yep, super easy to get to. Top and center.

Back to an earlier question, will my clowns freak out (long term anyways)? Last thing I want to do is stress a pair of Picassos.
Dont worry about the clowns they will survive. They even did before the nem. My gbta just split and three people were wondering if I was selling the clone.
I placed an additional PH last night so we'll see if it will move away from my SPS's. It certainly doesn't like where I have the new PH so maybe this will get the nem mobile again. Not really a way to direct one at the foot so this is a final battle. If it doesn't work, I'll remove and/or split it.

To those that have PM'ed or posted about buying it, I will contact in chronological order of your PM/post if I have to remove it. I will also snap a picture when I turn the additional PH's off and the GBTA expands fully again. Thanks.
Please do let know...i hope you don't have to rid yourself but if you do i will let you come visit it...I have been eyein a mated pair of naked clowns and i am sure they would love it
For those who wanted pictures, here ya go. The additional PH isn't helping much, just keeps it a little deflated. I have to use Koralia 1's as anything else causes havoc to other specimens.

In the pics is is still nowhere near max inflation. It reaches from the red monti cap all the way to just above my sun coral and completely surrounds the tri-color valida and dang near reaches my Tyree Sunset Monti (and THAT's a big no-no) if I turn the PH's off:doh: The clowns are aproximately 3" and 2" for perspective. You can also note the 2 DEAD milleporas I placed around it to try and keep it contained (the Jin method...LOL:D) but it was just too much for the small mille's to withstand." alt="" />

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If you directly feed it, I would stop. That will help a little in slowing the growth. Ultimately though, fragging it is the only solution. You do run the risk though of once its fragged, it wont stay in that spot's possible it may run around the tank harming other corals. I'd move your sps if at all possible. Getting nems to be where you want them to be is a tab tricky. Good luck though which ever route you end up taking.
Nah, haven't spot fed him in months (got the Picasso's to host). When they first hosted it, the nem was MAYBE 4". Now it's turned into this a matter of like 3 months.

On another note, I was talking at a LFS throwing around ideas and we are contemplating cutting a short section of PVC pipe(say 3" diameter and 1" long) and placing it over the nem at night when it's completely deflated to effectively "ring" it. We THINK that may deter it from expanding so widely. Worst case it splits or tries to move, I don't think it would harm it to try. Opinions?

Even if you split it or it splits on its own it will be back to the same size in no time so that would only be a temporary solution. There is no containing these guys so depending on the size of the tank you need to decide if you want it to be a featured part of the tank or not. Anything you do has the potential to make it start moving around the tank and it could kill anything in its path. Whatever you decide, if you want or need help with it let me know.
It may be that I just have to continually split it. My Picasso's are my little buddies so I want them to be happy (note their "It's BACON" expressions while I was taking the pictures...they've certainly learned which hand feeds them...LOL). I fear that taking the new from them could stress them so unfortunately I will likely keep a nem (not necessarily this one though). I have buddies with clown hosted nems they've had for years and the nems stay small. Heck, that's the only reason I took this one from MvM. 5 months ago, this nem was much smaller than a tennis ball fully expanded. I guess it's a good thing as it shows I have good lighting and water parameters, but has an unfortunate result.