GBTA Growing Out of Control - Need Advice

Are you sure its huge, </em>or just huge for your tank? Unless those clowns in the pics are 5" long, it seems to be a pretty average size for an anemone. I say if it aint broke, don't fix it. One large thriving anemone is much better than two dead ones. If he's happy, leave him be.

IMHO needless to say, but thought I'd throw it out there.........
Yep....I'm sure he's huge. If I turn the PH's off directed at him within a couple of hours he'll wrap over the whole rock and the tri-color valida will pretty much disappear into his tentacles. I've seen it reach all the way from the Tub's birdsnest barely visable on the left and wrap all the way to within about an inch of the sun coral. The additional flow kinda makes him long and skinny....but keeps him at bay. Without the flow on it, it spreads alot more than the pictures above show.
I'm having a similar problem with my long tentacle. Right after he got that big though he split into 2. Now I have two large ones. I just found a buyer for one.

I lost a colony of trumpets and a greed digita out of the deal though. Good luck:D
I had thought about that but my only available tank is very low light (my QT). It's like 12w PC. Since nems love light, wouldn't it be better to let them heal in high light? Or would they prefer low light for recouperation?
Just thought I'd give a quick update. In an attempt to keep it away from my corals, I placed some strategic LR rubble around the nem and reduced the flow on it. Ironically, now (after many months of owning it) it actually bubbles up like it's supposed to and only gets to about 6". My clowns don't seem as happy as they swam through the stringy tentacles before, but the nem seems pretty content. I guess the rockwall makes it feel like its nestled in a crevice and it likes it.