Yesterday I traveled one and a half hours to check out one the clubs latest sponsors Classic City Aquarium and I have to say it was worth the traffic battle in my opinion. I picked up a very nice and fluffy 8 head frag of light blue candy cane and some nice Zoa’s. As you all know I was ready to break down my tank just a few months ago. I was able to sell my Emperor Angelfish to Premier Aquatics and even receive a nice frag of kryptonite candy cane in the process. But unfortunately my seahorses were lost a few weeks back. I gave my Gorgonian’s to a friend along with one or two other frags and began to rethink my stock list and have been taking a step back before purchasing corals. I’m happy with my current frags and currently have them under all blues via my luxbird LED black box light. My question is, do I have to use the white lights or will my coral still thrive under the blues. My zoas really Pop under blues and I hope I can keep it that way