Getting rid of xenia


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Any suggestions?? I have the stuff fragging itself on the glass, on my magnet cleaner, other rocks-, I rip the stuff out but it just comes right back :confused2: . Anything work short of taking all my LR out and 'baking' it?:eek:
i second what christopherjay states, i'll definitely take some.

just rome is sooo far away
heck im up for getting a school bus..Snowman you keep look out..scuba you distract any police men..LMAO
here here. haha.

wish there was a way to get some too.
Eric, you got to peal it off. Cutting it will leave some on the rock and it will grow back. I use a metal scraper and scrape it completely.

I have a ton in my tank that I have just scraped and put in my fuge. You guys are welcome to it if you come around Alpharetta.
If you felt like meeting me at Dave's (acroholic) or somewhere close, then that would be awesome.
Aceheart, beleive me I would but I am currently living in Savannah at school and dont have my tank here or anything to store them safely.

So I would be getting them on late saturday and leaving early sunday or getting early sunday and leaving afternoon on sunday to get back and get them in water.

However, if they could keep the Xenia till I move back in December I would gladly grab us both some. So how bout it Haninja?
lol, well i hope that doesnt happen. :D

Well, this stinks. Cause I'd love to have some.
no clue. There is no scientific evidence to support this theory, but I've been told that it's because my nitrates are around 0.2 and phates at <0.028. However, I used to keep my ALK at around 12-13. That might be the reason. no clue.