Goby help


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Ok, well, I came downstairs and looked over the tank before climbing into bed and I noticed that my new Aurora Goby wasn't in the tank, looked on the floor, not there, then looked in the overflow and that is where he was.

Well, I noticed that he has been very reclusive. After putting him in the tank on the first day, thursday, I fed the one fish for the day and he ate then which I thought was good. Now I don't see him eat and he hasn't paired with the shrimp yet and I am getting worried he may die. The one fish and everything else in the tank, including the new pistol, who is in the same rock where I placed him, just making new entrances and exits and making a mess, are doing great.

Am I doing anything wrong? I am sure I am over reacting but I don't want to lose such a gorgeous fish and that would be a good $20 too.

I'm going to try to get a screen made like the one acroholic did but I am not that good at making it, plus I am crippled so my left hand is pretty much useless right now.

Thanks for the help.
Sometimes it takes longer for some fish to acclimate than others. The goby is well known to hide for days even weeks without being seen and just when your ready to hang up the RIP or MIA sign, he pops out. Patience is one thing I have learned through this hobby so I would not panic at this point at all.
Ok, well at least i know where he is hiding and I can see him. Just worried cause I haven't seen him eat.
Cory, get some Rod's food. I have yet to see a fish that didn't tear it up. It might entice him to eat so at least you can ease your mind about his nutrition.
Ok, i will when I can. I saw him go after some brine shrimp but when i looked at him, he stopped so i will try Rods next time I can get some.
Tim has some at Keen. He has some of the small packs too.
Not sure if you use garlic but I highly recommend it. It (I know some will disagree) aids in the immune system and entices fish to eat. I soak all my food in Garlic Xtreme prior to feeding them. You can pick that up at any marine FS.