Golden Dwarf Moray!!!

Mine has his own tank now finally. He has been ignoring food for days.

Today I tried a small ribbon of squid and he flew outta his rock cave like a dart and hit the stick hard, tore of the squid and retreated back to his cave.

I can only assume that he finally ate.

I thought that when I put him in the tank with the rock I would never see him but he's everywhere!

Soooooooooooo freakkkkkkkkkkin cooooooooooool.

Pics soon I swear.
I got the hawaiin cleaner wrasse. He is doing great and swimming all over the place. I now know why people are obsessed with having wrasses. He is amazing colors. thanks Jin for organizing the buy.
The eel just ate 3 more servings... I didnt know if he was just grabbing it, ducking back into the rockwork and dropping it or what. But the third time he ate it in front of me... as I watched him turn to go back into the rock, it looked like he had swallowed a marble. Guess that's enuff for awhile....

Thanks, again, Jin. This guy is just the coolest thing ever.

Glad you like your wrasse.

You must think your wrasse is cute. Do you play with your wrasse?

Nothing is better than a strong bond between you and your wrasse.

Can I come over and look at your wrasse?
FutureInterest;77828 wrote: Wow that's great news! Where's those pics at? :)

hang on... tank is still a mess. Loren has rushed EVERYthing....

::: sigh :::
Seedless Reefer;77823 wrote: Chris

Glad you like your wrasse.

You must think your wrasse is cute. Do you play with your wrasse?

Nothing is better than a strong bond between you and your wrasse.

Can I come over and look at your wrasse?

Oh yeah big guy, you can come over and look at my wrasse anytime, you can even touch it!
chrisjet;77816 wrote: I got the hawaiin cleaner wrasse. He is doing great and swimming all over the place. I now know why people are obsessed with having wrasses. He is amazing colors. thanks Jin for organizing the buy.

I thought a cleaner wrasse did not do well at all in captivity and has a low survival rate. Is this a different species than those discussed on these boards in the past? I thought there was controversy about even harvesting these, but maybe I'm thinking of something else?

I sure wanted one at one time, but figured the care level is far above my capacity at this time. Is yours eating?
Futureinterest, if they have the els again Im very interested in ordering. Also, I can help with the Delta shipping, I can personaly get it off the aircraft in ATL so it isnt thrown around (I work there).
I probably will be in the future, once my tank is set up. :)

How agressive are they? I've always wanted an eel, but can't bear the thought of my eel hurting anything. Plus the tiny ones are cute. :)
Chibils;78148 wrote: How agressive are they? I've always wanted an eel, but can't bear the thought of my eel hurting anything. Plus the tiny ones are cute. :)

Extensive discussion on
So do they eat inverts? D: Other than that, they check out. I'd get one.

I love me some hermit crabs and shrimp. I don't want anything eating those, either...
I think in the wild they primarily eat small crustaceans and a lot of worms. I was curious if it would eat any of my smaller mollusks and shrimp. I even put a nerite snail, chromi, and small hermit in with it in the QT container. It was only in there one night, but it didn't touch any of them. However, it did eat the squid and shrimp I presented it.

I've got mine in my full blown reef tank, and it has yet to harm anything. In fact its quite timid and will retreat when even a chromi comes near it. I have plenty of shrimp and it has yet to touch any of them. I've seen the peppermint and the fire shrimp foraging around its cave with no problem. The only shrimp that would probably be a snack is my sexy shrimp, but its hosting an anemone far from the moray's cave so no worries there.

There's no evidence available that it hurts our reef shrimp or fish. Although its only been in my tank a week its doing quite well and its clearly one of my favorite denizens.
FutureInterest;78172 wrote: There's no evidence available that it hurts our reef shrimp or fish. Although its only been in my tank a week its doing quite well and its clearly one of my favorite denizens.

Jin, your opinion on this:

We put our guy into a 54g tank where he's the sole occupant, so anything we now put into the tank will enter HIS domain; whereas YOUR eel entered a tank where he was a newcomer to an established reef.

Do you think this will make any difference to our eel's attitude vs. yours? Right now anything entering our eel's tank is just food on a stick...
[DISCLAIMER: I need to find my own camera... can't figure out how to use Loren's fancy-schmancy one]

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Nice pics! He looks great! Is that squid you're feeding him?

As for introducing critters into his domain... I don't think it'll be an issue. From everything I've researched about them they seem to be very timid by nature. I wouldn't expect them to defend their turf from anything except perhaps other golden dwarf morays.