Good move...


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It is a bit late and I am weary after moving a 90 gallon over 120 miles. I used Something Fishing or It's Fishy Business (he is changing names) and was very impressed. He did as good a job as could be done and even though it turned out to be a much larger job than expected he didn't charge any overages.

I am not sure what will and won't survive as there were A LOT of corals (probably a couple dozen some that were huge) and several were of the tempermental variety. I certainly know he did a great job making sure the move went smoothly. I would also add he is very pleasant and dealt with my nervous freaking out quite well.

We have some pics of the move and once we I get everything settled I will post them as well as the survivor pics.

Again, I highly recommend Stevhan. He went above and beyond on a job that turned out to be far more than any of us bargained for.

Happy reefing everyone and hopefully I can invite those interested over for a celebration grilling... or at least a wake.

I think moving is the worst hardship any aquarist can endure. If you have come through it unscathed, you surely have a won a hard fought victory.
So far all the fish I can see have made it, but there are a couple still missing in action. Some of the corals are starting to look rough, but it was a tough move and several of them are very sensitive. I didn't think they would all make it and honestly I would be suprised if half pulled through.
Awsome, I am glad the move went well. Now comes the fun part, nursing everything back to full life. Can't wait to see pics.
Cameron wrote: I didn't think they would all make it and honestly I would be suprised if half pulled through.

I dont know. some corals can look ridiculously bad and still be fine. good luck.
Yeah your acros are going to be super slimmy for a while. I hope you get some good sleep soon.
It was a tough job but I think you'll be doing fine soon enough.
Oh yes and I'll be up for a grilling....I got a good one from my fiance after I got home several hours late lol
Thanks everyone for the well wishes. Things this morning are looking really good and a lot better than I expected before I began this oddessy. My biggest problem right now is trying to figure out where to put the huge amount of corals this guy had. Every time I think I found an open spot there is already a coral there. I am guessing that is a good problem to have and hope it is my worst one for the weeks to come.
Glad the move went well. I got a good spot in my tank for those corals :D

Soundlike thing are moveing along fine there.
I will want to frag some of the tank out quickly in case I screw up that way I can get a frag back just in case. I have several frags floating around on the bottom still. I have been slowly picking them up and putting them back on rocks, but it is crazy how many are still floating around.
You certainly have seniority over what is laying on the bottom.

I am going to sell a few of the full sized corals. There are just too many in the tank for me and I don't like it that cluttered. I will wait for the tank to settle down and see what survives as I don't want to pawn a stressed coral on anyone, but assuming a good number lives there will be many frags and full size corals to be had from the tank. I like having them all, but when you can't even find an open space to stick a loose frag it is just too much... for me at least.

BTW, I counted over 30 different corals today not counting the frags laying around and you know a couple of them are nearing a foot long. Crazy.
Well all the corals including a couple that had turned stone white are getting some of the color back. The worst one isn't fully back yet, but from white to half color is pretty exciting... to me at least.

This hobby that is for enjoyment is going to send me to an early grave. Someone should warn obsessive compulsive people to avoid the bottomless pit of this hobby. The money, too much stuff to learn and way too much time to do it all. After all that, you still haven't bought enough, learned enough or spent enough time on it.
Hmmm Did some say frags? LOL!!! I am glad everything is coming back and starting to cheer up!