Good pink reef safe fish?


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Alright, well my girlfriend said wants me to have a pink fish in the tank, and I told her if she found one I approved of and she bought it, it was okay. The only thing I can find are maybe Pseudochromis, and no one local has them (would any sponsors?) What is a pink (neon or hot pink, preferably with no other colors) that is reef safe fish, 3-4", and will get along with a sixline wrasse, flame angel, chromis, and clowns?

Preferably under $50.
Altough not the easiest fish to care for...try some Anthias. The bartletts are pink. Although no completely pink, the squareback anthias is stunning.
Pink Anthias like the square spot might work. They are a cool looking fish and of the anthias family, fairly easy to keep alive.


Edit: Dang Raj, you beat me to it. :)
Squares get a lil too big though for his requirements I think. At least the only ones I've ever seen are usually monstrous.

Honestly, I can't think of any fish that is pink and could work with your livestock and size restrictions. Ask chrisjet though, he knows of a lot of pink things that might work out for yah that I'm unfamiliar with... :)
I missed the 3 to 4 inches part. Opps. They can get larger than that.

I can name several pink fish, but every time I run into a restriction. I will have to think about it some more.
I might be able to convince her that a Royal Gramma is the closest I can get, will that work? I can't get rid of the Six Line, his blue and orange stripes are school colors.
tim8111;257893 wrote: I missed the 3 to 4 inches part. Opps. They can get larger than that.

I can name several pink fish, but every time I run into a restriction. I will have to think about it some more.

Doh! I missed that part too. I was just fixated on the pink reef safe part!

Tuka's are really nice, but nearly impossible to keep.

Black cap's are nice; I don't think they're overly agressive...not sure though. Royal grammas are great and will generally keep to themselves. Should be pretty inexpensive too.
What about a black cap basslet? It's a relative of royal grammas but more hot pink. Dunno about their aggression though.

Not too expensive and able to keep in a 30G tank.

I've had mixed experiences with the Strawberry Pseudochromis. I've kept some in a peaceful setting, and have had others become aggressive. The ones that worked best were all in tanks over 100 gallons. If they have their space to claim as their own, they typically work well.
Would she like a strawberry crab? Saw one recently at Aquarium Showcase. It's pink by golly.
I would second the pink square anthias. Even though you dont want one that is 4"+, I think the square will not really exceed that, but def. push it. Mine is probably 3.5-4"

Also, they are not overly agressive fish, will not hurt ornamental inverts, and are really hardy if they are eating. They also usually are within your price range. They also do not need lots of swimming room, as they seem to lie to swim in place like clownfish.

That would be my best suggestion, but they are not solid pink. They have a purple square on the side. Otehr types of anthias might work. I have seen some lyretail (squamipinnis) that are border-line pink (usually are more orange)

I would however not recommend tukas unless you buy them eating and preferably from a private tank. They are tough to get eating, and I have been looking for some for a while. Most fish stores I have been monitoring that get them lose all of them.
And as someone who also wants pink fish, I'm planning to get several anthias so they'll school. And they DO have enough pink to qualify as pink fish and satisfy your girlfriend.
Leslie, what anthias are you getting? I just ask because the only commonly available anthias I have seen school really well are tukas.

My 6 lyretails (and bartletts that i have seen) only school when threatened by a new fish or the dreaded hand/net in the water.
Ok, I thought they ALL schooled. I like the Carberryi for its color. I don't see a Tukas on Live Aquaria. Does it go by another name?
I contacted LA a while back and they dont carry Purlpe Queens (Pseudoanthias Tuka). I am assuming it is because LA has a good guaruntee on their fish, and since Tukas are so hard to keep, they'd only lose money.

I dont know about the Carberryi Anthias, so maybe they school better. But they are extremely beautiful in the pics! I'd love to see them in person.

I think all anthias do school, but it is not a 'tight' school like chromis and maybe other fish. It is not overly noticeable in my 140 gal tank (maybe it would show more in a larger tank?). I would describe it more of a 'group' tahn a school. They kinda stay together, but do not move as a school does, but more independently, unless threatened.
I have a 70 gallon... do you think I can still try anthias? Maybe 4 of them? All I have now, other than coral, is a clown and a cardinal.
Anthais do not usually need a lot of swimming room, so you will be fine with 4 (maybe more) in a 70 gal, as long as you dont get a large breed (Carberryi are smaller) and you dont plan on getting many other fish.

Remember though that anthas do best when fed at least 3 times a day, so be sure your skimmer, live rock quantity, and other nutrient export/filtration items are up to par, or you may have some nutirient/algae problems.