got me some red bugs


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hmmm not too sure how it happened but it did...anyone got some interceptor? it'll be treating about 80g's of water. Thanks.
If the treatment procedure is not followed properly you risk them returning. I still haven't treated for RB and I really don't see them on my corals anymore but I still plan to do a full treatment before I move these corals to my cube.
they will only be on acros. They are on 2 corals I dont know the name of.
nah I didnt get it from you andy nor did I give them to you, I know for a fact im red bug free when I trade corals.....I'm certain I get it from a store, but with buying from a few stores I'm not too sure which one it could have been. I'll get a tab from you, are you planning on being up this way anytime? Or is Rit coming to see you, perhaps you could give him the tab and I could pick up from him and pay him back if he doesnt havbe a problem with that.
alright I'm all kinds of pissed right now, I managed to lose the interceptor tablet...does anyone have a pill for large dogs? I just dont get it, I had it yesterday and now today its gone.....unbelieveable!
no it sucks because youre all the way down there, lol. Maybe its in my car for some odd reason...doubt it tho. I'll let you know in a few days Andy if I'll be needed some more for sure...I need to find this darn thing.
Crap, I've now got red bugs (which is wierd b/c I haven't added anything to my tank in over 2 months.) It's only on one frag, but that coral is on the same rock as two others. Should I try a lugol's dip first???